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Posts posted by coregazer

  1. The documentary described the attempts of a young paleontologist I think in colorado museum (could be california, it definetly started with a C) to prove his unapproved theory. Then they find a well-preserved body of a 'dragon' in Romania and he makes some tests. So in the end it claims that it retained hydrogen in glands which gave it a lifting force, and it could use the hydrogen together with methane as fuel to pour fire.:confused:


    iv also heard of varius validations that "fire breathing" dragons MAY of existed on an old childrens science programme known as "the big bang" or somthing similer. (This is much older than the comady programme, "the big bang theory". just so you are not mistake :) )

  2. you do realise that sound is cyclical. in other words, half a cycle round you'll have a partial vacuum pulling the object towards the speaker again.


    lol. sounds like a good idea for a whole new generation of trampolining XD. lol. im not that mad. dont worry.


    but a little more on the insane side, would a circle of inverted sound be able to hold an object in place? once more, if so, what would be required.

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