Well, ladies and gentlemen, I have two last questions. These two are complete duzys and have been throwing curve balls at my goop of a brain.
problem #1
Compound A with a molecular formula of C4H6 decolorizes Br2 and produces a precipitate when reacted with permanganate solution. Addition of HCL to A produces two compounds B and C both with the formula C4H7Cl. Ozonolysis of B followed by work-up produces two products, D and F. Ozonolysis of C followed by work-up produces two products, G and H.
Draw structures for A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H.
Show the reaction pathway for the formation of each product. Do NOT include the mechanism.
For problem #1. I have decided that compound A has to be a diene, however after this i get lost because the ozonolysis of B and C are yielding the same products rather than different products. Perhaps i am getting the wrong products from the addition of HCl to compound A.
Alright, the only one i could find was the epoxide. Do you have any site suggestions where i could find the mechanism for it?
Alright, this is what i have for this one, I went backwards as Hyper..._iodine suggested and i came up with this. Is it correct....am i in the correct ball park?