What do you think about Eugenics? I personally think it would drastically change the world for the better.
By Eugenics I mean sterilizing everyone with an IQ below 100, and forcibly aborting any fetus which will be born with a genetic deformity, retardation, etc.
Also encouraging geniuses to procreate by giving them tax breaks and benefits for each child they produce.
Can you imagine a world where geniuses are a dime a dozen?
Classrooms full of gifted children, no more government funds wasted on special ed classrooms, all this we can achieve.
We just have to set aside pointless emotions and see the bigger picture.
It might be difficult to accept forced sterilization at first, but the benefits are more than worth it.
I envision a city on the Moon, and colonies on Mars in our not so distant future, should we adopt the practice of Eugenics,
because it would drastically increase the amount of future scientists that will be born.