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Caleb Anderson

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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Biology, Math

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Wow so supercooling thanks, it sounds like the spike is essentially an ice crystal.
  2. One observations that makes it so amazing is that it is as small as a needle and had no larger base. To answer your question the icecube tray was empty when I filled it and full when I froze it; this is a picture of the first ice cube spike I have ever seen and it was tiny I snapped the picture in less than 60 seconds of taking it out of the freezer but it had already started to melt and lose it's needle like shape, you can see drips falling down it. About 30 seconds before this picture was snapped the needle shape looked much more defined. I've grown more spikes and most of them are fat and don't even really come to a point additionally have an observable base therefore are less visually appealing. I find that facinating a thin frozen film formes over the cubes in some instences of freezing H2O and then when the water beneath the film freezes and expands it shoots through a deformit in the thin layer slowly forming a spike. This is another ice spike this one doesn't have a base either and is equaly facinating I like it's uniform shape. I thought that it was the distilled water because I have never seen this before and I just started distilling my water here I have really hard water that I have to distill I thought this phenomenon would be much more difficult to harbor if there is a lot of calcium in the water for example which is outrageously plentiful in my tap water. I like the idea that my distilled water has more facinating phonominal properties than the dirty water out of the tap. I would be interested to know how "hard" others tap water is that has witnessed this phonomenon?
  3. This is a picture of a spike that shot up from my ice-cubes because the ice is 100% acutely distilled "empty" water. I thought it was facinating that the water was able to freez so uniformely because there are not any minerals in the water to hold the molecules down while the water expands. While the water was expanding it must have held a pocket of warm water then when it expanded to the point where the warmer water had no where to go the expanding forced a stream upwards and the stream froze in spike. If I could only get a camera in my freezer while this is happening.
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