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Everything posted by Magnethos

  1. I have seen on youtube a serial of videos about Revived or Revitalized Batteries., but I don´t know so much about it. Here you have the video Anyone can explain better how works this technology?
  2. Thank man, I thought that I can´t obtain the 12V again, but yes a very near power. How can I determine the resistance? And another question... I can get more than 12V if I can move the fan very quickly? or that power is the max that can I obtain?
  3. You know that the a fan (like the pc fan that cools the processor) needs a quantity of energy to work. The most usually are 12V to work Ok. Some days ago, I have seen a video where a guy moves a fan to make energy. That guy used the help of a blowdryer to move the fan at a high speed. The video shows that moving the fan at high speed you can make power to run a device (in the video was a led). So, if you have a motor, you can have a generator if you inverse the process (you move the fan). My question is, If the fan need 12V to work properly... How much energy can I obtain if I move the fan? I know that It depends of the speed that I move the fan, but I want to know what is the max power that can I obtain. Can I obtain the same 12V moving the fan? More? Less? Thanks
  4. Oh yes, is a good idea. I will read later to get more information. I have made a video about electrolisis with cold, normal, below boiling and boiling point. I will post it after. The link of the videos: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SHMTKFCB
  5. Yes I know that, but I refered to any unusual method. Usual heater? Can be water warm up very near of boiling point with low power? How much energy do you think is needed?
  6. Ok, thanks for the explanation. I know that, but I thought that you know another method to do that. Very interesting data John... But the problem is that I don´t know exactly the method to modify the properties of the magnetic field to change and make tests and see what happen to electrolysis. I will look for information about the proton switch mechanism... thanks man. I put a picture were you can see the adapter that I used: And the electroliser I performed other experiment with the same electrodes but with another adapter, and... I don´t know why, but the electrolysis doesn´t started. But... How can we lower the water resistance if we don´t want heat the water? And... if the only way to decrease water resistance is hotting the water... what kind of device we should use that consume a normal power? I want say that if there is a device to hot water to the necesary temperature to improve electrolysis. I have thought about a similar device like microwaves... for that reason I want to experiment with radio frequencies and magnetic fields to see if I can reduce water resistance.
  7. I have done the experiment. I have put water in two glasses and one glass was water with ice cubes (I took out the cubes before the experiment) and the other glass was hot water and that water was above boiling. Then, I put the electrodes inside and I looked at the result. Hot water was more efficient in therms of electrolysis, and cold water was a LITTLE less efficient, but the difference wasn´t so much. I have started to read about electrolysis some days ago, and I´m looking for the way to make an new electrolyser. I have seen a plasma electrolyser but I want to do something similar to put any kind of device into water to excite the H2O molecules, like ultrasound speaker or a magnetic field (or both) with the pair of electrodes and see the results. I will be putting videos and posts here... What you exactly mean? and how can anyone lower the viscosity of the water because I think the water has a low viscosity but... there is a methor to reduce more the viscosity? Explain please. I will try to do this and see whats happen: this is because I´m looking for how to excite the water molecules without puttin water into hot.
  8. Recently I have made two test to see how much hydrogen is made with hot and with cold water and I have seen that when you put an electrolyser into hot water, the quantity of hydrogen obtained and the speed of electrolysis is higher that when you do the same test in cold water. What is the main explanation to this?
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