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Everything posted by vbreemars

  1. thanks very much i got the point
  2. I'm sorry, I'm not get the point you try telling me. We have several untitled culture of microbe at my lab. I want to know the genus or the species of the microbe. I doing it by extracting the DNA genome and amplify the specific region of 16s rRNA. Than I'll Blast the sequence to get the distance tree result. the purposes of my work is to identify the genus and species of our microorganism. So what is the differences sequence data that gained from RNA and DNA. the sequence will give same result in blast and distance tree analysis, am i right?? regards.
  3. hi i'm vbreemars my interest is biotechnology i'm from indonesia
  4. First let me introduce my self. My name is vbreemars and I from Indonesia. Nowadays I work as research assistant at biotechnology Lab. Bogor Agricultural University. In my lab recently, I am doing research by 16s rRNA-based method to identify the species of our microbe isolate. But I do it by extracting the DNA genome and PCR it by specific primer (27F-1492R), is it okay? I ask it because seemly you all do it by RNA extraction and doing RT-PCR on it. Sorry if my grammar not good and if the question not proper?
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