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About merc187

  • Birthday 10/10/1991

Profile Information

  • Location
    the milky way
  • Favorite Area of Science
    any and all
  • Occupation
    jack of all trades i.e. average at everything

merc187's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. oh man it would be terminator all over again with all of its paradoxs like sending your father from the future to meet your mother to create you which makes no sense since you wouldn't have been around in the future to send your father anyway. Although it is human nature for the most part to be greedy and to get any wanted item at any cost. I believe we would be better off without tron people if they were to learn from us because of this.
  2. i think therfore i am
  3. im not a scientist just a guy with a lot of time on his hands interseted in science maily wild theories and geting answers to my wild theories lmao

  4. couldn't black holes have not been formed but have existed since the "beggining of time" black holes are nothingness thechnically and our universe started out of nothingness so again couldn't black holes be residual spots where the big bang did not exactly penetrate or possibly be the universe collapsing into nothhingness again? sorry that had nothing to do with gamma rays.
  5. technically in my opinion life is the concept that any sentient being gives it. In reality it cannot be trully described even by one type of language, be it mathmatical, biological, physical, or other but by the individual based on its own experances your cat or dog has a different take on life than you do just like one person to the next a gang member might think life is short and meanigless as a buddist thinks every life means everthing and you have more than one to attend to this is a little off topic but goes with gist of the argument as a whole
  6. it is possible though not with todays technology but in the future right now we use energy and metal to store information but what about the future it is possible that eventually we could use something (and remember this is the distant future im talking about) like sub atomic particals to store information where it is possible it (the information) could take on a ife of its own. however it would more than likely not be like tron but something completely different.
  7. What if the "first big bang" wasn't the first big bang? Gravity might not have been just right th first time. What if our universe was actually started by an alternate universe forking into a different course? Alternate universes and all Could our universe have been started by an alternate dimension 3rd or 5th? Can our universe have been trully formed out of nothing? What if our universe is a loop expanding and collapsing on itself repeatedly? Its currently expanding and at some point it might stoop will then it stay that way or might "time" kind of reverse. Again physics is law but if physics started at the universal bang could it possibly be changed in one way or another i.e. dark matter or such. Im not a scientist just into watching the discovery channal, science magazine and the likes, plus im drunk. If you have any imput or would just like to repremand me in some way post here i would love to know what your opinion is. Also could it possibly be that since the possible first big bang, this might have happened multiple times before, that a race like our or an "alien" race could send a mission to kickstart a big bang again and again making similar universes each time?
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