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Steve Christopher

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  1. ummmmm....yeah.........that's what I was saying...........(facepalm)
  2. Burden? You need to wear the Mark to survive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tI-Gspth1M
  3. Well thanks, try to understand I've been in this dance be4 and it's laborious and fruitless unless people take some time out to be open-minded. So I'll wait, and check in from time to time, but don't want to spend too much energy rebutting things people with enough brains can figure out themselves. I'm not here to spoon feed you. Cheers.
  4. skid marks on glass. Oh boy, go do your homework, but throw away your old books. Don't waste my time or energy until you have a proper foundation for truth. Atmospheric pressure has all you need for evidence that you are in a container.
  5. Seasons are changed by the orbiting sun with a cylindrical orbit that oscillates between tropic zones every 6 months. What's outside? I guess that would be hell. Wanna find out? You can't dig more than about 9 miles. It doesn't spin. Sarcasm will only make your fall worse. just sayin, dummy.
  6. 1) Wouldn't we see the curvature of the earth in the distance going up into the sky? No. Your eye stays level with the horizon. 2) How does gravity work if you're inside a ball? Is it like a fairground ride that spins to "stick" you to the wall? Force is irrelevant in relation to their being a force that holds you down to the ground, you can call it gravity, aether, higgs field, whatevah. 3) How big would the ball have to be so that when I look up through a powerful telescope I see space instead of the other side of the interior wall of the ball? Light travels on a curve, plus the wall of the central celestial sphere would block your vision of the other side of the Earth wall. 4) How does my sat nav work???? Since everything it's based on is wrong it should fail horribly All calculations are based on a stationary earth with sats orbiting inside, open any space app to see. 5) Since the website that you're linking to is a creationist site, why would a god create such a weird system? surely being on the outside of a ball is easier all round? (no pun) I am God, I like games. 6) Do you really believe this? Really? If so please explain why, in your view, this explains the obsevable universe better than current empirical evidence Give you a couple days of sincere, honestly, empirical study, and get back to me. Don't believe the numbers, they lie. Money makes the world go round, lol. Why would they want to tell you the truth and loose all that wealth. Keep you stupid so they can make money. NASA is a money making machine. Find out how many corporations are in bed with NASA. k? K.
  7. Someone is getting it! @chan00chap that's exactly right! TheFoxStevie 1 hour ago its true, if the moon was really a sphere during a full moon the center would be brighter than the edges but its not, its equally bright all around, which makes no sense, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ztoOqwCeqU Oh look, a page that I put in the op... http://www.missteribabylonestar.com/posthypnoticepiphany.html
  8. you might want to close it then, that would be the final strike. 2 strikes and you loose.
  9. still watch occasionally to see if any of you have wised up yet....
  10. well I outta here, you disrespect by moving the thread. see ya. tardos
  11. wise up, dude
  12. wrong. I chatted the guy. all his debunking is purely speculative and he admitted it.
  13. Hi, I'm new here but I wanted to show you people how the true nature of the universe is actually a tiny, inverted one. Cyrus Teed's foundational premise that the Earth's surface is concave and all the planets, sun, moon and stars are actually very small in relation to it and fit inside a hollow, inverted Earth has never been debunked. In addition to his theory I want to point out the optical illusory effects of the glass ceiling about 70 miles high that plays tricks on the eye and causes one to perceive the sun and moon as spherical but are actually not. Her are some videos from m y webpage I made concerning the subject at hand. Here's my webpage that consolidates my explanation.... http://www.missterib...icepiphany.html
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