"And the aging thing just violates common sense. How could you breath in vacuum in the first place? Our organism is highly depended from the medium around us, and removing the medium roughly means removing us too!"
I'm not saying that it's practical or even possible (which it's not), I'm simply saying that without movement nothing would age (or I suppose live). You could replace the word body with anything from a rock to a cow and it would still have the same point.
Thanks for the 4th dimension thing, i've always thought of it as simply a point of view, the first not being able to see the second, second not being able to see the third, and so on, but your explanation clears things up.
"But someone moving very fast ages at a slow rate, relative to a stationary observer."
Okay, I'm stumped. I've asked around and no one seems to know what this Law seems to be called. Most think it's just a bunch of Sci-Fi. Searching around on Google hasn't given me anything. Tell me what it's called, or a website to read about it and I'll hopefully find some way to counter you, but without raeding into it a bit there is little I can do to defend my Theory.
Now... Time Travel. An interesting topic explained as a trip to an Alternate Universe, or sometimes a symbolic fork in the river. Forget about that.
Let's start with going back in time shall we?
Since I've already stated that movement is time, it would only make sense to assume that turning back time is the same as turning back movement. In order to go back in time, you would have to undo movement. Something I don't believe can be done to specific things. So let's say you have a pretty time machine that you can tun on at the press of a button. You press the button and you go right back to....... when you pressed the button. Huh. There's the first problem: you can't go past the point when you actually pressed the button. And then ofcourse is that other problem where EVERYTHING in your body got rewound, you unpressed the button, your memory was rewound, every single sub atomic particle in your body and the rest of the universe gets turned back. That means you are in the same thought process as you were when you first pushed the button, and so you push the button again. Rinse and repeat. I'm sure I can hear the argument of "Why would you you make yourself go back too?" The answer: Think of a video tape. When you rewind it, you rewind the whole movie. Not individual characters. Yes I realise that life isn't a movie, but I can't think of a single thing that would be able to keep a force that is able to undo movemet from affecting the entire universe.