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Everything posted by abateNth
Tiny explode, then. Paintball, is a strategical game, where you can't say "Here I Ain't", you just can't. I take them eyes, with paint off course. If you're wanting gun/shield interface. It's doable, now. Kit: Velocity meter+readout=expended ammo. Internal Sight-meter=Locator, LCD screen and a little work, there you go. It's like a counter system, plus focal measuring equipment. I would think that's what you're after.
Quit terminal operations, idiot. I Ain't had now Industry Standard Architecture since my last 286. Went to Enhanced ISA, why didn't you. as far as the tapped at registers, within CPU code, I'm aware of DMA access. Which, current set up, is explicitly denied; as there's no buffer space. I don't have a get away with it CD Writer, aka: External. Dry space...
I glanced at it, been hearing about it. In General Time Studies, where: x=known, z=unknown, t(z)=limiting factor, t(x)=forward study, Then, x-z=t(x)+(t(z)-t(x))=t(z)=Cancellation Method and/or refining. In this validity, what is the approximate time-study analysis, for verification. I know with today's fast pace, it has to be related. And, why is it that error studies hasn't approached it's level I was aware of. An old computer class I took was Error Handling. Which would prevent round off error and such. And, I'm a knowin' that 'dem 'puters are involved. http://www.amazon.com/Integral-Discrete-Transforms-Applications-Mathematics/dp/0824782526/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1207302378&sr=1-4 is a broad based subject handler, and also includes methods for discrete number sets, from Finite Mathematics. Anyone familiar with these topics, please inform me. As, Contrary to the Fact, I like to learn: It's similar to Elimination Methods, but utilizing Matrices in Differential Sets, you refine your founds, for improvement. I just ain't seeing no influence from this in Axioms, and I feel maybe there should be...
The Turing machine, analog system. Used primarily for number systems within the Real Plane. Suitable for restraining rounding error in constants. Known, as well as unknown. Mainly derivational. Worked with large sources, and was the reverse of a dummy-terminal. Fed input, until solution was found for known desired. BTW, most operators not having keys to use, as typewriters were not electronic at the time; use the slide-rule. Given rate on a very busy day, it handled around 200 solves per user. Get busy,
As far as tactical electronic display. V-tech computers jump to mind. With the cost, durability, and spill-proofing they use. But, not being a game, only indicators for slow velocity projectile where your target is not going to stand still for you would be: Approximate distance. Bracketing of possible direction vector to cover, and gun statistics. All I could come up with.
Simple, thought of it while looking at a bilge pump at Lowe's. That's the technology I'm employing. Sludge removal. There's some schematics involved for most certain. Not the model I was looking at could move 500 gallons per minute, filters attached. Hook a motor up like that to an air gun firing paint balls, I'm assuming the coveted Turret Gun. Sustained rate of fire: Approximately 4000-5000 rounds per minute. Not bad...Get it, before it gets you...
Pentium D 915, no RISC involved. Error control-bit, ON, Board Level. Register on that...
Black Holes: Do they excert gravitational influnce?
abateNth replied to Obelix's topic in Relativity
Gravinometric studies indicate, virtual/mysterious forces are a know unknown. Huh?, there's forces unaccounted for, that are known to exist. We know not of everything. Influences on bodies observable are often highly unpredictable. This is known now, due to NEARs studies. Near Earth Objects as they are called are unwieldy. As, they tend to force vectors we cannot determine. It's all about prediction. So, within the confines of you determination, as best I can see: It's virtual fits of the "gravitons ' into your theory of Relative Mass. Which is, of course, the source, I may freely assume, yes. If a Black Hole emitted/bounced/absorbed such, and an energy flux resulted so the acceleration/deceleration were achieved, then there may be this collapse, as you suggest. Furthering, if say given graviton = F(Ma)*G/d^2 the classic we're allowed of such, where G is gravitational constant, distance represented by d. Then, plugging in, for given that G(rav) is your phantom gravitons then we might deduce angular momentum. Here we go: F(Ma)*G/d^2 + F(F(Ma)*G(G+G(rav))/d^4*(4/3)R/Dm*pi Given: R=mean radius for center of mass, Dm=Speculated radii of difference of above, due to influence:Typ=d^4 pi=constant pi. ~3.1415927 at 8 significant digits, truncate Going on, You're Graviton is going to have influence in observation one of two ways. Either magnitude or appearance then removal. Calculation versus exotic, I'll assume the latter for you: Given (+/-) effect, reciprocal of the above derivation induces an interesting phenomenon. Pulsating, not unlike the Quasar, a little known of unknown producer. Positive Plane to negligible then reversal to Negative Plane: Pops. Yes, them explosions. Infinite to Zero: Elimination, Bye Bye Negative/Positive Effects: Mainly unknown, possible light producer. Tonight, let us go outside, focus upwards, and observe. Might see sumpin'. -
Caliber adjustment, via wind tunnel effect. Noticed it with electronic rate-of-fire control. Feed+Hopper+Chamber+Muzzle=Output. Speed>eq. jams. Why? Residue. Yes, that nasty bit of piece not broken just enough. Darn. What to due what to do? You asked, so I will share. Create a slight vacuum, before each controlled fire. By, now get this, allowing waisted air. Yes, I know I'm crazy for even talking. But, about a 2 mph velocity for approx. 1/10 second will in fact create, a leading edge. Typical of flight, yes. Well, I think so. Just shut up for a moment. This leading air will, of course, be overtaken by the approaching round. As, it begins it well crease slightly, and take on a somewhat different shape. There's your adjustment. Now, given it continues, it will push this shape back to its approximate shape. Walla, you have your leading envelop of air, pushed slightly before. So, you ask, what does this mean? I'm so glad you asked. It will, provide expansion, for any of the rounds that distort a bit too much. And, of course, provide clearance. That's it. And, if you hurry, as an added feature. This valve system could be designed with a <CLEAR> option, just for you. Should a round suffer total fail. Not to worry, turn your weapon upside down. For a moment. Press CLEAR, the squeeze a few off. Right it, then repeat. As the begin to __scrub__ and maintain. It will, with these increase velocities of "Gap Air", clear the obstruction. Hurry, don't wait. Don't become an opportunity, or anyone else's. This deal isn't for a Life Time...
Anyone familiar with CPU error codes, production pools thereof, knows of the command instruction set. And, the execution bit that is parametrically an execute flag. Now, what if, say, grounding circuits were introduced, board length*width. Hang with me here, it's nothing more than a dissipater coil. Here's what you do, calculate, at factory, voltage, calibrate. Induce algorithmic type encryption. Yes, serialize. Introduce as many errors as you feel, now, through known technology, introduce this grounding circuit. Which, if broken, triggers an embedded chip. Which, of course through error code or such as user required intervention signals. That's my idea at randomization. Software technique analysis shows effectiveness.
Look, Epsom's action is from alkali sources. Mainly ammonia. Venutian blinds, or no... To mix sulfur, will mush it for certain. It will yield more salts. In particular, of the hydrate forms of nitrides. Otherwise known as a slush. Not very yield worthy. For acid production. Look, take some water, then some sulfur. Apply heat to about vaporative state of sulfur in solution. Around 180 Fahrenheit. Induce across separate anode cathode combination, a current of about 20 V, 35 or so Hertz. Need a transformer there, not a dance at a light socket, please. Airate. By adding via tube, well, air. Agitate. You should end, properly without need of a Hood to prevent Death, about 0.42 molar Sulfuric Acid. Don't say I never did nuthin' for ya', either...
Why does speed time slow down when you go fast then the speed of light
abateNth replied to a topic in Relativity
Except, light of course. And its induced plane. Answer, no 8-ball configuration please, then; These Black Holes, where light is absorbed. As it cannot escape what theorists believe dense gravitational fields. What's its rate of acceleration/deceleration? Where's the light. Don't approach via worm hole connected with webs of strings' neither. I await... -
Why does speed time slow down when you go fast then the speed of light
abateNth replied to a topic in Relativity
Observation from particle physics. Where theory became reality. Someone, somewhere, some day of the week said to themselves. "What is the rate of decay, these things I push so wildly..." Scoffed at first they were. Impossible. To indicated at immortality and such. Then, phenomenon were sought. Still, to this day, electrons yield the best info. What with most equipment having ability to interface with electrical devices. Beta Decay...is your next subject...So, so interesting. -
First, Primes are scalars. There will be no curve of recognized form. I shall not induce. Second, matrix solution will yield cross sections of intersecting vectors, as you imply-ish. To solve for primes is natured by the existence in the plane of Real Numbers, not easily had. There large, in the unknown area, because computation requires Time. The time vector, is not truncated. Not by anyone in the Real Plane. In a Nutshell, coexistence of abstract to your head, takes perseverance. Try truncating your sample pool. Make the computer look specifically at an area not known to you. x=x^102, x=x is a good sample of code for init'ing at higher ranges. You get the jist. Another thought, should your code fail of you. Is the Almighty Fail itself. Your "true" flag is reset from the "false". Mind the Code. Don't let the Code Mind you.
DO NOT forget your lucky 2 of Diamonds. Without it, your spokes are Boarringgg!.
The surname being odd, I searched. Now, if true, I'm pretty sure it was a computer generated glitch. And, will most likely be circumvented. After a little extra prompting, USSearch yielded no Shanks in Missouri. Not to say she/they aren't there, but it just seems odd. It's not really company policy to do the practice what some call 'retro-'. Where they go back and hold you responsible for claims. Sad, in form it is. But, the name: Shank. And, the fact it's ill-reported. I won't feel bad if I'm wrong. And would stand for it to be corrected. I'd support that their complaint box be filled until it overflows. And, demands be made locally to use sympathy in this case. It's just so, I don't know, odd...
For many forms, it's the rate of decomposition. Which is relative to the organism in the way it breaks down. Certain compounds arise, and are not removed from the bio-structure. All things living decay; it's when the rate becomes accelerated, with no system of removal of the decay. In say, bacteria, depending on the type, you'd look for something that was toxic within the system that normally is broken down. When it amasses to a level it is terminal to the colony, then you know they no longer are viable.
Was ice the primordial soup?
abateNth replied to SamCogar's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
I just based my post on what I was exposed to on series on T.V., and the given second accepted definition: 2. Embryology. first formed. from : http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/primordial These are terms I've heard applied, and they have that meaning for me. The theory is oft based on life originating here from a comet infested with organic molecules. Striking the planet at a critical time, and begining a stratum of assembly for higher life forms. I do not agree, but do know of the theory. It was a brief synopsis of the approximately 20 or so hours of documentary I have seen versed. Neither off topic, nor winding. I apologize if you didn't understand, but for some this is a study they pursue for the course of their lives, and to fully explain you'd have to be exposed to a large data pool, and I didn't feel the need. -
Was ice the primordial soup?
abateNth replied to SamCogar's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
Primordial stems from poetic efforts in the 80's. It's an indication towards emulsion. The fact so many wanted what was said to be 'spontaneous generation'. As, so many questions where yielded from answers. It's inappropriate. The Omega-Comet, as it is called, is a result of studies upon Hale-Bopp: In particular segment 9-of rotation 85 or so degrees from tale-plane. The theory goes, what is in hand is attainable, obtainable, and re-saleable. That life was an organic soup, lends to the rendition of Fire+Brimstone, for the observance of such findings as these. Unknown++Little knowing==Grandiosity. -
You need the implication of negative energy if you're wanting to evovle these theories. It's presence has been determined as either existent, or another explanation is responsible. There's a repulsive force, minimal comparative to others, but in whole pronounced. Something, somewhere, somehow, pushes when everything else pulls. It's measurable. This attractive forces MAY NOT explicitly violate their manner, to end the cycle of what is called propulsion. Whence a form of matter is determined to exist, not easily is it removed. Dark Matter, and the component Energy, do infact become entangled. And, some believe the Star Nursery as it's called is yielding this observance. Where, if you want to observe a phenomenon as Dark Matter, it often is visible in this galaxy cluster, aforementioned, that has little to no momentum in certain areas. None know why, but areas of space are so greatly distorted, many theorize that there's a force "catching" matter; in all forms. Won't really know 'til we get there, or someone from around the area visits and tells us.
Genius" I'll give you no money for that. You don't understand, you haven't stirred anything up. Bodies often lie at rest. Many things are in a relative state of non-movement, before it is induced. Take the classic implication of pushing something up a plane, is it not at rest before you 'roll your sleeves up. And, while you're rapier fingers slap the keys at your search bar so many love (too much), Maxwell and Planck were the first to notice these tendencies. I mearly took the liberty to re-state them...
Space factories -the third industrial revolution
abateNth replied to Rune175's topic in Other Sciences
The only product I'm familiar with that has been sold are samples. Typically ranging $20,000/gram. Making them the most precious. Currently their are no products produced on the market. Sale of the information gleened is of high, interest, however. And, data in pure form with re-applicable findings is often sold per kb or Mb depending on size of the incoming stream. Satellite audio is of the highest order right now, as the sreams and squelches induced on the antenna-based-speaker array often indicated no intelligence present. Only, their of malfunction... Order received, will cost you about 5,000 /s / 8-bit stream, or thereabouts. As, it is highly classified material. But, for the privelaged, the demand exceeded the want of knowledge and understanding. -
Psychology has little to do with this implication of principle. And, the terming of word salad led to absolutely not a one "BITE" for the impending book. None interested. Try and contradict correctly, by stating purported fact, that may indeed be based on historical evidencing. No SALE, no cussomme'.
It's the motion of the driving force. And, it's not along the direct path. They're more pushed. Depending on many factors, including particle, velocity, medium and such; only a certain percentage of the wave path is traveled. A typical photon, I believe, only reaches about 1/5 amplitude variance of the wave-form. The waves, if you look at them as a state of excitation, provide the direction, not the path. Pushing, rather than traversing is more appropriate a word to use. The waves within the ranges will 'liberate' the particles from matter, and then the reach and excited state. In order to achieve static equilibrium again so that they don't dissipate, they change direction and velocity. Dynamics explains this further, but the point I'm making, once they are disturbed, they must do something to keep from "exploding" due to energy influx. Since, the wave propagates beyond their once current location, they begin travel. If they did in fact move along the entire path of the wave, it would slow the given speed, because more distance is required for the non-direction travel. This violates conservation of momentum, which is also involved in understanding. If related to a projectile, and why its 'push' is not wave-like. It's not a good call. Its main influence is gravity, where particles do not have that much mass, and often respond to other forces. The main one in wave patterns being the internal forces that make up the particle. Once they move from homeostatic rest, they have to do something to keep from disrupting all together. This is implicated in "Riding the Wave" so to speak.
Space factories -the third industrial revolution
abateNth replied to Rune175's topic in Other Sciences
Please, just don't pull the pharmacological trick I was exposed to in the early-to-mid 1990's range. Where, they intended to complete a process of pill production in a zero gravity environment. As, this would lead to tighter protocols for liscensing, as well as patents. This was a serious ambition, because the molecules that were to be inert and aid in delivery of the medicine would have "signatures" that would be impossible to duplicate here on earth. However, where it would possibly be applicable, for say untreatable infection with something not readily available. I think the cost per pill came out to around $800,000US dollars. And, multiples of dosage are almost always required. Thought it worth mentioning, since money hogs are glutenous. And, they will apply for rights/patents to technologies that could be used in outer space; and in fact, already have...