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About halogirl
- Birthday 05/06/1993
Profile Information
Grants, New Mexico
gaming,computer stuff,dirtbikes,swimming,training my dogs, and Halo (the books and the game), and looking up funny pick-up lines
College Major/Degree
none, intending to go to NMSU to major in genetics.
Favorite Area of Science
hi, i'm dianne, i'm 16, a major geek in this school i am forced to stay in, and get bored incredibly easily. i like pretty much all things science, and i intend to work in genetic engineering, then become an all powerful goddess mwahahaha!
none yet, but i'm turning in applications at the few places that seem worthy of my time.
- Meson
halogirl's Achievements

Meson (3/13)
actually i'm pretty sure that it can, just because it doesn't show in the second and third generation, i'm reasonably certain, that it remains a part of the genotype, and can potentially reappear in say a great grandchild. (of course i could potentially be totally wrong about that)
cant you just get your GED? also think about this, you say your more interested in science then others and you learn about it easier, so i'll bet you stick out alot among people, you hang out with older people, right? i might have it totally wrong, and you might fit in just fine in college, but just think about it. even your friends who are older then you you don't really fit in with right? imagine how hard it'll be to hang out with people who are much older and more mature then you. who've had more experience, and are actually almost adults while your still young and slightly immature, don't take it personally there are just things your age group don't understand yet, and i'm not talking about reproduction, but think about that too, it'll be hard to find a partner who doesn't think your a little kid, and you'll miss out on the experience of growing up in highschool and seeing your friends mature as well, it's just so akward to hang out with adults all the time, so it's really wierd to not have an option, and if your just a freshman it'll be hard to get a job until your old enough, how will you pay for it? seriously consider getting your GED or take duell-enrollment classes, it pays off a little bit, and you don't have to miss out on the early dating experience.
you are of course right, it does depend on perception, like i said it is necessary, and i am glad that you are alive, i was merely stating that i feel it is morally wrong to intrude on another being in that fashion, if that being is unwilling.
it's true we do eat them, because that is how we evolved, however we might not be using the exaggerated techniques that generally come to mind, but we are using another being against their will. i'm not saying it isn't necessary, but it is still wrong.
how is it not cruel, you are using animals, other living beings, to our own end, not theirs. i actually do understand alot of what happens along those lines as i wrote an unbiased, 12 page report on the subject.
honestly, although doctors will probably be allowed to switch out with someone due to their discrimination, but if you think about it, its just plain rude. when they became doctors they decided to spend their lives helping people. if they decided not to help a homosexual based on their own beliefs, then their going against their purpose, also last time i checked, their religeons said that they personally could not be attracted to the same sex, none of them said that they would be damned for helping a homosexual. in fact if thier religeons are correct wouldn't that make them the better person for being a decent human being, rather then (using christianity as an example) trying to do god's job. seriously it really is just an attempt to push one's beliefs on another person, people do this in hopes of convincing that person that they are in the wrong, not to help them. it pays to be decent to others, especially if you're a doctor.
i agree with sayonara, there is a difference between discipline and abuse. my parents did resort to spanking every now and then(when i was being a real twerp) but the important thing to remember is where and how often. hitting a child in public is cruel and stupid, hitting a child multiple times for an offense is a bad idea, and hitting a child anywhere aside from the rump, is definitely abuse, just being spanked is humiliating, i'll bet everyone remembers how upsetting it is, it didn't even hurt so it really isn't necessary to hit a kid very hard. it really is just plain cruel and abusive to do that over nothing, i feel it is really important to make sure you try everything else before resorting to that. and seriously it should only be done when they've done something that is definitely wrong and that they definitely knew was wrong. spanking a kid for stealing is probably reasonable, but hitting the kid more then once, or really hard, or on some other part of the body is abusive.
animal testing for beauty products is totally wrong, but for diseases...i'm not sure. it is cruel, but it may be necessary, like for AIDs reasearch.
(F) (15) It is the woman's choice. its sad when it happens but it might be a necessary evil sometimes. and honestly i'm not sure that males have a say in it most of the time. i think its a little better though because now in new mexico they can be used for stem cell research. if the abortion is necessary at least we're still giving them a chance to help people.
to: dichotomy Why is there a need for a deity? i think alot of people want there to be a deity, because they don't like the idea that we control our actions. what people really want is an excuse to undermine other people, and the thought of being responsible for our actions scares people. thus we want someone to blame, not only that but evolution hurts peoples feelings of superiority to others, because its saying that we just happened here by chance, and are thus unimportant in the universe. i agree, its pointless to think that we are all important creatures, that the earth was made for us, its resources for us and only us to use.
uh, yeah, except the part about surrogate mothers, we have succeeded in producin a test tube baby, which would prevent trauma, but that was kind of why i said serious repercussions.
cloning is totally different,and honestly it seems like a seriously bad idea to me. i mean we're all supposed to have our own unique mix of genes, this can be done with genetic engineering, but i think cloning can have many more serious repercussions.
i think you have me confused, i was annoyed the arguments that say that it can be only one or the other. honestly i do believe only in evolution, but too many people claim that a greater entity simply placed us here. also if there were a greater entity why shouldn't it be probable that it used evolution as an effective way to develop useful organisms.?
you know this is annoying, why couldn't a "greater entity" have worked through evolution?