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  1. Thank you for the response. I decided to go with just subtracting the estimated values from the measured(which I have put with the assumption that they are accurate, eeeeeven though there's probably some errors there ). I think that's what you all were trying to explain, anyway. x3 Thanks.
  2. Yes, I know about the r^2 value. It is how well the data set as a whole fits the lines of best fit. What I'm looking for is how well each individual data point fits, but I don't know if I should be comparing the x value to the y value (assuming that the x value is completely without error), or the (x,y) to the 1:1 line (ie (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), etc.).
  3. Okay, so, for this project, I'm doing a regression for the data I measured and the data that was generated(an estimation made by a computer). I am also trying to find the rate of error between the two values. So, when I try to find the error, do I measure how far away the generated is from the measured, or how far the ordered pair that they make up is from the closest point on a 1:1 line? Or, am I going about this completely wrong? x3 Thanks for any help you can give me!
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