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Everything posted by Acme

  1. I'm surprised about the handling too, But on the mitten leaflet you are mistaken. See the second first link I gave for illustrations of the great variability in poison oak's leaf shape. Mulberry & Sassafras don't have compound leaves either. Edit: Fixed illustration reference. Also, Oak and Hawthorn don't have compound leaves and Hawthorn has, well, thorns. In my second reference on ID'ing Poison Oak they point out that the leaflet veins aren't opposite, however I can't see that much detail in the posted image. ? As to being in a garden, Wiki says this: Poison Oak @ Wiki
  2. Yep. Off hand I'd say it's Poison Oak. Leaflets three, let it be. How to identify poison oak PS Here's a more in-depth ID guide. Be sure to wash your hands after handling the sample, just in case. The Sure-Fire Poison Oak & Poison Ivy Identification System
  3. Getting an error at your image link.
  4. OK... I never assumed or implied any such thing. Erhm...you when you wrote, "If math is only a 'tool' how can you trust it other than to how you predesign the tool ...". That all sounds like personal issues outside of the scope of this thread. I came into the discussion to say Gödel's theorems contradict your unsupported assertion Since you can't show you're right or that Gödel is wrong, this is where I leave it.
  5. So? You wrongly presume all tools -mathematical or otherwise- are designed when in fact tools are also found -or discovered if you will- and used as-is. Moreover, adding 'only' misrepresents what I said and is quite unnecessary. And why the quote marks on 'tool'? Shall I give an accepted definition that fits my use of the term? No problem. tool @ The Free Dictionary Your writing is abtruse. 'Steps out unaffected'; what does that mean? Inasmuch as you wrongly presumed tools are designed and you didn't bother to consult a dictionary, your questions are non sequiturs.
  6. Phhht. Anonymity is a red herring. We have no end of whining about it and here's just 3 examples: Suffering from Online disinhibition effect On posting etiquette and anonymity - Split from Why are Physics Speculations Making your credentials known to new-comers And in a breath you dis me for an authoritative tone while you bluster your own. Pot calls kettle black. Math is sometimes a tool and sometimes a toy, though arguably toys are tools for play. Most of your post strikes me as better suited to a blog as it really doesn't foster much discussion. Since the questions you ask that I bolded are philosophical, we can expect argument ad infinitum with no resolution. What do you hope to achieve with this thread? PS The earliest known example of math was for accounting and not physics. 1.2 Math at the Dawn of Time
  7. This all just reminds me of those who have trolled here in the past using a mash of red herrings and other rhetorical verbiage as they let us know what bright beacons are they and what dim dullards are we. Boring.
  8. I don't get your contention with me on this??? You said we needed a definition and I gave it. Who's dissing who here?
  9. Foundations of Mathematics > Axioms > @ Wolfram Mathworld
  10. As others pointed out to you elsewhere, it's not up to you to redefine terms for everyone else. Well, contend all you want. If you can disprove Gödel then you will be famous. Mathematical proofs aren't political. It doesn't matter who or what your response was to; what matters is that it was in error.
  11. Axioms by definition are not subject to proof and Gödel's incompleteness theorems prove there is no universal/ultimate logic, i.e. axiomatic system. Gödel's incompleteness theorems @ Wiki While you may argue that my choosing Wiki is a political act, one can find any number of other sources for this information. Incompleteness is as incompleteness does.
  12. I'm seeing 1600 to 1700 grains for bullet weight. US Shooter.com 20×110mm USN @ Wiki 1600 grains = 103.6783g = 0.1036783kg v=758.55m/s = 1,696.82mph So Mach 2.23 for a 1600 grain round compared to Mach 3.15 for a 800 grain bullet. Can you hear me now? At around $13,000 and ~$15 per round for practice loads, Anzio touts the 20mm rifle as "huge amounts of fun". Mag-Fed 20MM Rifle [
  13. My first thought on reading the title was Conway's game-of-life. Since the game has the capacity of a universal Turing machine it seems to me it would be rather difficult to tell the difference between a game running as a virtual computer and a game running otherwise.
  14. Can you cite what you read with a link or give more details? The material I find is the work of non-geologists and puts the impact at ~800,000 years and hitting ice 1 to 2km thick. The hypothesized impact is suggested as the source of the Carolina Bays structure. I find no mainstream support for the idea however and the impact formation hypothesis for the Carolina Bays has been rejected by professionals. Amateur work: The Saginaw Impact Manifold Carolina Bays @ Wiki: >>Carolina Bays
  15. You're welcome and good luck with all that.
  16. Here you go: Can' Quote, Can't COPY Paste All-in-all, whining is futile.
  17. But flooding is the most fun time to be in a crawl space! And because wood is buoyant, the floor is less likely to fall on you. I don't recall ever doing any special framing under hot water tanks so I'm not clear on what you mean. Since I don't know of any photos, maybe you could dash out a little drawering to clarify. Sometimes we did sister joists and/or double up headers under bath tubs but that was usually to get back the strength the plumbers lost when they put in their drain lines through the joists. Admittedly, sometimes in remodels, I was that plumber. Can't see it from my house.
  18. Yes, they likely hide. In addition, many insects, in whatever stage they over-Winter, make antifreeze. Where Do Insects Go in Winter?
  19. Moontan is not a novice to hammering. If he's comfortable adding the posts in the first place -which requires hammering in shims- I see no problem hammering the shims later. Moreover, what do you suppose is the weight of the existing house above his head when he's under the house? Moontan, if you're not comfortable doing any of this work yourself, hire a licensed contractor. For a further declaration of liability release, check with your landlord before doing any of this work.
  20. So what? Moontan is in North Carolina USA. Moontan is there and can give us the exact situation from which we can calculate an exact solution in the standard measures he is accustomed to.
  21. First, Moontan is not in Greece. (First-and-a-half, we don't use metrics in the US.) Second, he doesn't have a concrete floor. Third, you don't specify which calculations are 'way too much' nor provide any calculations of your own. Fourth, taking all into account your input is poorly supported. Moontan, if you will give us the exact dimensions of the tank footprint, the joist size and spacing, and the location of the tank relative to outside walls and existing posts & piers, we can calculate where you need to add additional support. Contrary to what Michael implies, these supports should not spring the floor upwards, but only hold it level. Once the tank is full, some settling might occur which you can check for with a level and if there is any sag you need only drive shims between the posts and joists. Rather than the 2x4 posts recommended by Phi I would use 4x4s, not because they are stronger but because they are less likely to slip out of place from vibrations. Depending on the clearance you may want to put the posts under a beam that spans multiple joists rather than putting the posts directly under the joists. (See image below of typical post & pier construction. Note the metal straps that keep the posts from slipping out from under the beams.) As to professionalism, I had a 15 year career as a carpenter and cabinetmaker and know something whereof I speak. Yes exactly. This would be the form of shimming I just mentioned. Since these folding wedge shims would be used when adding the post at first, then should any consequent settling occur after the load is applied it can be corrected by driving the shims in further. Bundle o' shims:
  22. You're in the US so bollocks on metric. 225 gallons*8lbs/gal=1,800lbs 4 cubic ft of sand @ 100lbs/ft^3 =400lbs 1,800+400=2,200lbs 2,200lbs / 10ft^2 =220lbs/ft^2 From the article I gave on calculating safe loading we'll use their example of 2x10 joists on 16inch centers with spans of 14ft. This gives safe loading of 54.5lbs/ft^2. So your tank is about 4 times too heavy for that example. Studiot has the right idea of adding posts & pads under the spot where the tank will sit.
  23. How to Calculate Floor Load Capacity
  24. Dspite the many published misuses on this occasion, the term "Blood Moon" does not refer to color. Other names for the Blood Moon are "Hunter's Moon" and "Sanguine Moon", ergo the blood reference is related to hunting. The Blood Moon is the Full Moon that follows the Harvest Moon and the Harvest Moon is the Full Moon nearest -but before or on- the Fall Equinox. This Blood Moon just happened to be red because of the eclipse. Eclipsed Moons appear red because the light falling on them passes through Earth's atmosphere which filters out the blue light. The "Super" cognomen refers to the larger than usual apparent size due to this Moon being at perigee. Wikipedia gives the following list of traditional Moon names: Full Moon @ Wiki My photos: Super Blood [Hunter's] Moon Eclipse Totality 8:02pm PDT Exiting Umbra 8:27pm PDT Eclipse Nearing Ending 9:12pm PDT
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