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Everything posted by Acme

  1. Citation please. [agrogation???] And what is the Church if not Christianity? As to Jesus justifying 'crimes' of the OT: Further on the notion of Christians not following the OT, we have only to look at the gal in Kentucky refusing to grant marriage licenses to gay & lesbian couples. Her protest and that of her supporters sporting "God hates fags" posters is based on Leviticus. Because she is a government employee, she is also ignoring Jesus' admonition to render under Caesar what is Caesars' and unto God what is God's. Then of course she is also ignoring Jesus' admonition on divorce inasmuch as she has been married 4 times. Where is the hue and cry of the apologists over this and similar Christian evils? Same sort of hypocrisy and justification of crimes coming out of Islam as we are all painfully aware.
  2. Design has little to do with education or drafting equipment; it's all in the mind of the beholder. Timothy McVeigh blew the Oklahoma Federal Building to smithereens using the simplest of systems. Making public enquiries such as yours is highly likely to bring you to the attention of the authorities, and undoubtedly already has.
  3. I don't understand the first sentence. As to the second, the OT is of considerable guidance to the creationists and fundamentalists. While they may be a minority, they are loud, divisive, hypocritical, and arguably evilish groups in the US. Yes well, other than the OP no one is contesting these facts. It is as easy to list evils done by Christianity, but as I said earlier, trying to establish some scoreboard is a fool's errand.
  4. Should a government official not be allowed to vote in elections?
  5. Do you have any references other than your feeling that unschooling leads to unpreparedness for college? Moreover, many students in 'traditional' schools also end up in poor positions for attending college. What or who is to blame for them? Here's a page by John Holt -the major early promoter of unschooling- that addresses common objections. Common Objections to Homeschooling Keep in mind it's not your child and over-intrusion can have detrimental consequences.
  6. As I noted and quoted from my gun manual in post #410, numerous states have exactly these kinds of criminal liability laws on the books. I went on to suggest a federal law of the same nature is a good idea.
  7. Pretty much agree with that all. On what I have bolded, we should add Greek, and in fact the Bibles we have were translated -and continue to be translated- by language scholars. Scholars mind you, not the ignorant. The Biblical quotes I gave weren't out of context because I included the exact passages so anyone could go and read what came before or after the germane passage. Sure, I could have pasted the entire books, but we know how walls of text fly at fora. I used Bible Gateway and the New International Version. Let's see where that came from. New International Version @ Wiki And of the King James Bible: King James Version @ Wiki So it goes. Edit: Note that the King James translators weren't privy to the Dead Sea scrolls.
  8. And I was just explaining it.
  9. Yes, I understand the difference. Fiveworlds implied God only tells people not to kill when he said "God tells people to not kill and to not lie etc." If he meant otherwise he is free to say so. The contradiction comes when considering the commandment [ostensibly God's instruction], though shalt not kill, and juxtaposing it with all the other passages wherein God instructs people to kill. I'm not much interested in engaging in a debate with believers and/or apologists. People can and do use what is written in the Bible -whether rightly interpreted or no- to justify evil as well as good and that's the long and short of it. And as I said earlier, Christianity is not alone in promulgating these actions. Attempts to give a measure of whether more good or more evil has been done on religious grounds is a fool's errand.
  10. But I gave explanation. They are passages from the Bible -which IS the context- wherein God instructs people to kill other people. Well, I think you mean 'appeal to authority'. I was less appealing to my advanced age as an authority and more to your youth as a lack of authority. I can appeal to the Bible's authority on how to treat children if you like. Here too it is fickle, from Jesus' suffer the little children to me, to spare the rod and spoil the child. I should also point out that I do not buy into the title's assertion that Christianity has done nothing but damn humanity. I hold that Christianity has both blessed and damned humanity and that pointing out the contradictions is a worthwhile exercise.
  11. This is where I came in with citations of passages from the Bible that show God does indeed tell people to kill. These passages show your implication that God does not tell people to kill is mistaken. I, to my own genuine fortune have read it as well. Moreover I have read it well enough to know exactly where to go for those citations I gave. I gave factual citations from the context of the Christian Bible which is the very base of Christianity. Since I knew those passages, I can not be ignorant of them. I am old enough to be the great-grandfather of you & Fiver and to paraphrase Cat Stevens, your faults are that you are young. Relax and take it easy. No worries & kudos for admitting your ignorance and acknowledging relevance. Glad to have been of help.
  12. Yes it does God states his name is jealous. God is not infallible and does actual evil out of jealousy. One day god told Abraham to kill his only son because god was jealous. But when Abraham follows god's instructions he tells Abraham not to kill his son. No. Apologetics does not change what is written. And God doesn't actually state anything. The whole of the Bible is at best 3rd hand and adding your apologetics makes it at best 4th hand. Religion section or no, this is a science site and it's the facts that carry the day.
  13. None of which changes the passages I quoted. Twisted is good, fickle fits fine too.
  14. Disturbing...yeah that's the ticket. One does what [one believes] God says, be it an act of kindness or an act of brutality. Yes well, the psychotic element is exactly what makes for the evil element of the OP. Since it's God or gods we're talking about giving the commands, there is no way to question the inspiration directly. That's true if we're talking about Moses, John Smith, Mohamed, or Arjuna, or yada yada yaweh. Pick your poison...and then kill for it when it suits. That's not the issue. The issue is whether the Old Testament God tells people to kill other people and clearly God does. Or rather, the people of the Old Testament who claim God speaks to them in private say that's what God says. Or even more to the point, it's what the people who wrote the Old Testament said that the people of the Old Testament who claim God speaks to them in private said that's what God said.
  15. So it does. And the verses I quoted clearly say the opposite, contrary to your claim. 'Smiteth' is from the King James, but in any regard the passage is clear. Need more unambiguous commands to kill from the Judeo-Christian God? Can do.
  16. Erhm...no. In the Old Testament God tells people to do quite a bit of killing. To whit, a small sample: source Not that the Bible is alone in this, e.g. in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna instructs Arjuna to do the right thing and kill his friends, family members, and teachers. Oversights by authors? Erhm...no.
  17. When James Gleik's book Chaos: Making a New Science came out, it included a disk full of tools for generating & tweeking Mandelbrot sets, Julia sets, and more. I spent oodles of hours with it and without the need to do the programming. The software is still available along with links to add-ons needed to run it on newer machines. Click here: >> The Chaos Software
  18. What is this 'spaghetti coder' of which you speak? Conway's Life is an example of a 2-dimensional cellular automaton, but you can make any set of rules you want on a 2-dimensional array and get interesting results equally sleep depriving. 1-dimensional cellular automatons are a hoot as well and as I recall produced results reminiscent of Sierpinski gaskets.
  19. Erhm...it's 'principals', not 'principles'. Yes; every school may have different books. There is no national education board in the US that decides required reading lists.
  20. Living in a city does not of necessity preclude growing one's own food. Urban agriculture @ Wiki Search the phrase 'urban farming' for a bountiful harvest of returns.
  21. Cool reference! I used to play with Conway's Life after being assigned to program it for a class. I particularly enjoyed setting the initial condition from different square graphs such as Vedic squares and hoping to discover a Garden of Eden formation. Good times and thanks for that blast from the past.
  22. While the NC geologist cited in the article suggested quakes, the USGS pointed out there is no such correlation with seismological records. Given that we don't have the phenomena here on the West coast, I hazard the guess that this is an acoustic effect generated by wave action which is tuned and amplified by coastal landforms. Have you heard the guns yourself Moontan?
  23. I like the Logitech wireless Trackball M570 for the ergonomics. I also hate the Logitech wireless Trackball M570 for its poor durability. I'm on my 4th one in 3 years. The buttons stop working. !!!$%!!@@@%!## This time I paid $8 for a 2 year extended warranty that will replace it no matter what. Take that Logitec!
  24. Acknowledge mistake. I don't have a slider or any tools visible at the link you give. I backed up a slash and got a download option but when I clicked it I got "you have to be logged in to do that" message. No worries as it doesn't seem to be particularly important to the main topic here. Thanks for trying.
  25. Just because you don't like it, it doesn't make it wrong, or trolling. If all you want is a bunch of people agreeing with you, then you are on the wrong forum. More non sequitar. Just because I don't like 'it' doesn't make 'it' right either and nothing I have said leads to the logical conclusion that all I want is people to agree with me. I have made a number of debatable suggestions directly related to the OP, none of which have received reasoned rebuttal or approval from you or other posters. Thanks for more of nothing but hyperbole.
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