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Everything posted by Acme

  1. Have you looked in Settings for a switch? Mind you I know Jack-squat but I asked one of the kids and he said he can do apps off the sd-card in his Android phone. :shrug:
  2. The archeological value would be largely in the context of the artifact's location, so if it does belong in a museum I think one local to the find. Ceramics are dated using thermoluminescence. Thermoluminescence dating
  3. If all the lights are on ceilings then there is no ground floor in the diagram. In parallel the lights won't be evenly lit. Those on the end of the circuit will be dim and those on the front will be bright. So if by 'output' you mean brightness then both setups will not be 'enough'. PS In the series 'not enough' scenario, all that is necessary is to up the voltage. Upping the voltage in the parallel circuit will not fix 'not enough'.
  4. Even if quantum physics is a waste of time, so what? Peoples' time is theirs to waste and there is no end of works that don't 'benefit' humanity. Knitting doilies comes to mind. Damnable doily knitters anyway! No skin off my shins.
  5. Very interesting story. Funny how we can be interested in others' families as well as our own. Your church record reference prompts me to mention another avenue of genealogical research and that is family Bibles. Part of the archive I took charge of includes 2 such Bibles, one of which has pre-printed blank pages for the recording of births, deaths, and marriages. I have the scans on a separate drive, but I'll have a look and see about putting up one of the pages for illustration. OK. Found it. A slight correction as both Bibles had titled blank pages for family entries. The scan I'm putting up is from a very large Bible printed in 1852 and rather more elaborately illustrated than the other. It is just by chance I came by these and finding them may take some detective work by others doing genealogical research. Again, peoples' level of interest will determine how much work they are willing to undertake.
  6. Interesting question. Apparently the hollow bones are connected to the respiratory system and the air is renewed. Lung -Avian
  7. Such things are the sadder when the shame comes through no fault of ones' own. One of my aunts contracted polio as a child and went through her entire life known as the 'crippled one'. Another avenue for tracing genealogy that is more recent is DNA typing. It's not particularly cheap and obviously requires cooperation, but it can resolve some questions that records and recollections can't or won't. Speaking of genealogy, shame, & DNA, this skeleton recently came to light. Presidential love child? Gasp! Ex-President Warren Harding's love child confirmed
  8. Yup. And it carries on to present for some. I have cousins whose mother had a child out of wedlock as a young girl and the boy was raised by the grandparents so the cousins only knew him as an uncle when he was actually a half-brother. When discussing some general goings-on of the early times they clearly knew something was amiss but rather than face the obvious they became indignant at which point those of us in the know simply dropped the subject. My mother was always forthcoming with such uncomfortable information, even when it may have cast her in what to some was poor light. Kind of on that note I have another photo to share. It's a tin-type that was hidden between images in a photo album of a particular family line and I would guess it lay there unknown for perhaps scores of years. Had I not needed to remove the pictures to scan them I would never have found it. It's hard to guess the girl's age but it seems she was cared for and yet something of an embarrassment. There was also a hidden photo of a young man in the same album, but there was no apparent reason for that secretion. Other than a likely surname of Morse because of the album origin, I have no identification of these folks. Mysteries wrapped in riddles tied up in enigmas. The game is afoot! Or grandpa was hung as horse thief. No end I suppose of what brings people shame.
  9. So, try to contact him at that address. Do a search of phone directories or other similar listings. As I say it can be a lot of work and your level of interest will dictate how much work you want to do. Don't disregard caution of course as you don't want to reveal personal information willy-nilly to just anyone. I have even found some trusted relatives that don't want to know genealogical information that is, shall we say, uncomfortable such as divorces or children born out of wedlock.
  10. That isn't what he said. I'm sure he can explain it then. In any regard, Matt is clearly suffering from mental distress and open forums are no place to hash out these issues. We are none of us clinicians and even were we it would be improper for us to engage in offering advice here. Matt, if you are seeing a professional then share your concerns you have expressed here with them. If you are not seeing a professional then consider doing so.
  11. Well, that's something. If you're really interested you can try to contact him rather than wait for him. Being as he's old, time may be limited and once he's gone, then so too is your potential source. My interest has always been rather casual but last year I was entrusted to scan a cache of thousands of family photographs as well as family trees made up by relatives and this all piqued my interest. Some of the photos are tin-types dating to the mid/late 1800's and others run up to present times. Some of my family are interested and others couldn't care less and beat as hasty a retreat as possible when I start relating relations. We have traced our ancestors back to the mid-1700s in America and by-and-large they came from England and Sweden. Just to share a bit, this photo was taken in Kansas in 1885 and the girls are my great aunts Effie & Ella.
  12. I fail to see the difference; can you elaborate it? In any regard, what evidence do you have that people in depressed moods have a choice to -presumably- not be depressed? Are you arguing that depression is not an illness? From the article I cited [bolding mine]:
  13. Disjointed as Matt's opening post is, your assertion that people choose to be depressed is unsupported. What evidence do you have for your assertion other than anecdotal experience? Moreover, can you support the idea that depressed folks blame others for their condition? Depression (mood) @ Wiki
  14. The problem with that is my family like many at the time found work as farm labourers. The landlords would pick people up at hiring fairs and they would work and be buried where the landlord lived. It was while my greatgrandfather was working for one such landlord that the house was burned down by the IRA and the landlord was shot. My family would have lived in the servants quarters of the landlord's house. Of course they would have used to have land of their own because my great grandfather fought in ww1 but the english took his land off him because he married an english woman. Cemeteries are not the be-all-end-all of genealogical research, rather they are just another tool in the bag and one such tool that no one had yet mentioned. Another such tool is family photographs, at least going back to the origin of photography. I have found that these old photos are often annotated with dates taken, people pictured, and location of the scene. There is also the problem of misinformation, whether accidental or intentioned so as to hide skeletons. All-in-all, genealogical research is hard work but not without its rewards.
  15. Visit cemeteries; families are often interred together. If you can't visit personally, use this tool to visit virtually. > Find A Grave
  16. Acme


    Whether a hydrogen cloud collapses or not depends on its mass, radius, and temperature. Not all hydrogen clouds condense to form stars, but some do. Stellar Evolution
  17. The first in 30 years! With Discovery, 3 Scientists Chip Away At An Unsolvable Math Problem Pentagon tilings @Wikipedia: >>Pentagon tilings The new tiling @Wiki.
  18. I'd say the force on the tool is only 3,000lbs and that the upper pulley and the low pulley behind the truck only change the direction of the force. If the setup was doubling the force then it would be halving the distance traveled by the tool, i.e. for every 1 foot taken up on the truck reel the tool would move only 6 inches. (Disregarding stretch in the line of course.) Explanation of pulleys: Pulleys
  19. Perhaps a solar oven. A few years ago I built a small model of a parabolic trough oven to experiment with making bio-char. At ~4ft across the highest temp I reached in the receiver was just over 200ºF and a good deal short of the ~500ºF I needed. Not sure how it would have to scale up to reach the temps the guy's process needs. My model:
  20. Acknowledged. Mum used to hate those clickers when we brought them home from the fair. I await experiment results with interest. PS Have you tried using the speaker above water now that it's bagged in oil? I can't stop thinking that the oil will soften the cone and so it won't oscillate except at the very center where the coil is connected. ??
  21. Details wanted. Anyway, you don't need voice or high fidelity for that or even a proper speaker. Morse code or some simple variant. 3 'sounds' (beep, click, clunk, etc.) for item #3 and so on.
  22. What's the purpose of the speaker? I mean who will be listening and to what?
  23. I didn't present misinformation, I presented a joke. You not getting it or not finding it funny is out of my control.
  24. I don't understand how misinformation keeps thing simple.
  25. Still not attraction of energy. You're facilitating a current flow, which has energy, but is not itself energy. I was facilitating facetiousness and echoing wording in your post #2, not claiming an attraction of energy.
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