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Everything posted by losguy

  1. The Garden of Eden and the Flood of Noah or Utnapishtim My Theory began when Iwas hunting for information about the Bible flood of Noah. I came across anarticle that described where the Garden of Eden was located from references inthe Bible. I then started my own investigation. I didn't just look for a placebut clues as to whether it was a place or an Idea. On my search I was ablethrough my Library to get hold of a book put out by one of the oil company'sexploration team about the Persian Gulf. Whilereading it I saw some time frame abnormalities in their geological analysis. Iam not saying that they were not right about their findings but in theirinterpretation. The Information: They explained that inthe main channel of the Persian Gulf that the layer that rested on the bedrockwas approximately 6000 years old and the layers that were on the bedrock alongthe tidal plains was only 3000 years old. At the mouth of the Persian Gulf in the Straits of Hermouz the layers that rested on thebedrock was 11,000 years old. Also if you look at the geological structures onboth sides of the Straits of Hermouz the geological formations are exactly thesame except that on the southern shore it is the small end piece of the wholenorthern shore mountain range. A missing piece: I was watching one of myfavorite programs about Earth and its geology's. They were explaining about theMediterranean Sea and how it was formed. Theyexplained that originally there had been a dike that went across the Straits ofGibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea was originally a large desolate valley with some salt lakes init. This dike had broken and had let the Atlantic Oceanrush in. Noah's Great Flood: Had this happened in the Persian Gulf? It had all the ear marksof the same event happening and maybe this time in mans own history. Could the Persian Gulf have been the site of the Garden of Eden andNoah's Great Flood? I did some figuring and found that if the Great flood ofNoah had been world wide just to cover the lowest continental mass the floodwould have to have risen a few thousand feet or so and that didn't take in toaccount any mountains, and if it were to cover the world thousands of feet ofwater would have to have risen. In my studies of the earth at USLB I was informedthat if both Ice Caps were to melt that the water would raise only about ahundred feet or so. Also the debate about the 'Cubit' then came into play. Ifthe water were to rise 15 Cubits to cover the entire Earth the cubit wasenormous. Even to cover the lowest continent made the cubit to big even dividedby 10( as many believe that the source really says 150 cubits) would make thecubit to large for any rational measurement. Most cultures have flood legendsbut most cultures could have experienced large floods due to large lakes oreven inland seas held in by dikes or dam and being released. At this point Istarted to look at local flooding. The Arkof Noah is said to be 300x50x30 cubits in size. if we make an analysis of thesize of the ark using the information in the bible and the geologicalinformation and the earth was covered by water that rose 15 cubits the arkwould be approximately 23 miles long, even if the only the lowest continentalland mass (Asia) were covered the ark would be about 3 miles long (boy whatship builders they had then). I don't think a vessel this long could long staytogether in one piece. Therefore I believe that the flood was local to an areaand not a reoccurring local or even an enormous river flood would not fit thebill. Either the Black Sea inundation or the Persian Gulf inundation I believe is the site of theNoah's flood. The Flood Story Origin Prior to the Bible the story of Noahand the Arkwas told in the ancient Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh where he goes and meets Utnapishtimthe Sumerian version of Noah. The flood story also appears in the writingsfound at Mohenjo Daro and Harrapa in India as well as trading items fromSamaria. The Garden of Eden'sLocation The Garden of Eden in theBible is located at the junction of four rivers and each of these rivers goingoff in a different direction of the compass. Well there is a place at the headof the Persian Gulf that fits thatdescription. This is where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers come together. During satellite imagingit was been found that where these two rivers come together there is alsoremnants of two other rivers that have dried up and are only visible withultraviolet satellite images. The Theory If a dike had been acrossthe Straits of Hermouz in our past and had given way the flood of Noah and theGarden of Eden would have been found. Noah could have very well seen that thedike was about to give way from good observation and was prepared for it. Alsoin the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh it intimates that the water around them issalty. It also says that the waters cameup from the bowels of the Earth as well as fell from the sky this would havebeen a very good description from a pre-written-historic man of the dikebursting. If you follow the line of the Persian Gulfand where the water would have channeled, Noah could well have ended in theMountains of Ararat. According to the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh he did not endin the Mountains of Ararat but in Dilmun (Thought to be the Island of Bahrain).This would make the cubit approximately the right size. The water that wouldhave come from the mountains on the north side of the gulf would have made thedesert, in the valley where the Persian Gulfresides, a paradise and people have a tendency to believe that where they comefrom is always the GARDEN OF EDEN...
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