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    The Laboratory
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    I like Science.
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  • Quark

Arg's Achievements


Quark (2/13)



  1. Forward... toward our own demise!
  2. I suppose that depends on how you define 't', 'energy', 'space', 'oscillion', 'G', 'energeticmatter', and 'space'. It could in fact be right!
  3. It's probably for the best. Fingers tend to get children into all kinds of trouble.
  4. Then you should know more.
  5. If it lacked equations and formulae, I would burn it in protest. If I wanted to take things on faith, I'd believe in God and alchemy.
  6. I will obtain this book and master it!
  7. That would be fairly ultimate, yes. On the bright side, given time and a loosening of the "moral" deathgrip which threatens to be the end of us all, we will be able to manipulate our genes for any traits we so desire. We will succeed in artificial selection where we are failing in natural selection, and damn the consequences!
  8. Arg


  9. Good riddance, I say. We need something new for more advanced observations and calculations, not some antiquated dinosaur like the Hubble. The stupid thing was broken from the start! It belongs in history books and nowhere else.
  10. Arg


    I agree. I'd also like to take this opportunity to say that it seems like many already have!
  11. Arg


    Of course you're running into problems reconciling everything: it's all a classification issue. There aren't any mammals, or reptiles, or bacteria, just stuff on a spectrum grouped for convenience. You can say that a mammal is a being with all these various characterstics, and you can convincingly lie to yourself about that most of the time, but if you go backwards in their evolution you'd run across creatures so close to mammals it'd be hard to tell the difference. At that point, all that separates this from that is a wish and a whim. Too many so-called scientists forget that.
  12. That doesn't matter. The sexes evolved together, so which one lost or gained which ability is unimportant, as long as the sum of their traits results in men not being able to tell. I'm sure it's a combination of females' ovulation becoming more concealed (certainly not completely), and males losing some of their ability to detect it.
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