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Clark Miners

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  1. Prior to the processing of gold in the economy of scale necessary step preproduction through in-depth study of various aspects. One study that needs to be done is to test the mineral content of rock ore to be processed. The process of analyzing in detail the content of metallic minerals from rock samples taken from the soil in a land that has been in the survey will be a very important mineral content of the metal held in which the function of the activity analysis is to support the production activities in large-scale gold processing. One form of assessment activities is the analysis of rock samples to see in detail the content of metals contained in the land which will be held in the processing of economic activity. Where rock samples can be tested on a laboratory analysis. And today has many methods of analysis used in viewing the content of metallic minerals contained in rocks, but it all depends on the required results in testing, as well as methods of analysis using polarized light techniques and electron microscopy which is the best analysis in identifying minerals with very modern equipment. This method obtained from an analysis of its structure, texture and Mineralogy in specific minerals from rock samples. To get a detailed analysis of the mineral content of rocks need to use the latest analytical techniques such as Fire Assay, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS), Induced Coupled Plasma (IC), and mass spectrometry. In addition to modern methods of analysis can also be used a simple method by using a chemical solution to see the presence of metallic mineral deposits of gold from rock samples that were analyzed. This method is very simple and easy to do and very simple, yet has enough sensitivity to accuracy in view of the metal content of gold in rock samples of minerals.The Fire-Assay analysis is the method of choice for the analysis of precious metals traces in ores. All gold bearing alloys or grains and Sterling Silver alloys are assayed by Fire-Assay techniques Visit Our Blog url removed
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