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Everything posted by Verusamore

  1. Would I travel further-out or travel farther-in to find out ? How do we know that the objects that exist farther-in toward the original point of BB are new , when only one BB has occured . for example : I represent space being water . I represent a stone being an object . I drop the stone in the water ,the stone blows up as it reached a critical point,the water splashes and ripples expanding in an outwards motion pushing current water and creating a new type of water which exists in our known universe called 'dark energy' being the bond that glues our universe The particles & matter created from this stone expand with the water as the movement is exerted by the ever expanding dark energy . The final point of expansion is where the matter has travelled the furthest point ,does this typically mean that this matter is also the oldest ? Or is everything the same age as long as it exists within the reaches of dark energy ?
  2. Christ !! Posts: 10,660,298 Members: 93,511 Total users online: 512 Anyhow You will find this message posted at : http://www.christianforums.com/showthread.php?p=10638870#post10638870 I just wanted to research some people to support my judgment . 1 st reply : So basically the guy who said this is obviously educated and found a nicer way of saying that 'metal is bad' . "I prefer something that is a little less discordant" "it's the sounds that move me most" "I am not a fan of Heavy Metal music" I would not be surprised if he says 'does not support the war' , let alone the soldiers which make up a part of the force wearing crucifixes and listening to heavy metal music .
  3. What would the christians think of Metallica ? Afterall this war was backed by christanity . .... runs to christian forum
  4. Yeah true , there are more than one way to label music if there is something about it which does not appeal , I think the words which are used to label a type of music is also depending on cultural influences . But the word 'demonized' gives me an interesting concept , Christianity is the Anti-heavy metal I would think since the word would be generated from somewhere which uses the word 'demon' as to label something 'bad' . Are heavy metal people opposed to christanity ? Sepultallica , do you oppose christians ?
  5. Although Buddhism is a religion , it does not deny your freedom as Buddhism promotes freedom but within a common sense framework .
  6. Purpose in life is to seek pleasure , we are pleasure seeking creatures , religion denies that freedom . BUt as for I, I choose independently from those traits & beliefs and decide whether if it worth to seek or not to seek pleasure . Buddhism is helping me with that purpose at the moment as it has alot of common sense .
  7. thanks heaps for the info very much appreciated, I will go do that .
  8. oh , that "quote" was not directed to you but act as a reminder to those who share the same intentional feeling toward the comments made to ridicule me .
  9. "what are you disagreeing on?" >"she gave me attitude I responded with criticism" " I don't expect it when Im polite and manneristic" This means her behaviour was disgusting if you would read it properly , this is why I disagree with her . I read Mokels statement clearly and understood it just I thought it was rather complex ,though I AGREED ( You were right not to doubt that iglak ,good to see ), I only mentioned criticism since he made a complex out of it ,as he has some emotional tension left which is starting to affect the way some people see me especially from the quite recent arguments not so long ago which he saw me to be a homophobe (a pressumption) .. IT SEEMS also the ones who respond to this are the people trying to make me sound like the enemy around here .. I know most people don't like people like me but at least I can admit I'm not a nice person when it comes to criticism as I may break a couple of nails . I can be a friendly person only if the person speaks the truth or is genuine ,not appearing to be so . I'm use to criticism , I expect people to be the same also or else you just sound like soft headed flunked pop idols having a cry ,sorry but that is the way I see it when scientists cannot admit the truth. Make criticism about me much as you want ,I don't have an ego to defend as I'm not in anyway hurt by your deliberations but I'm surely to learn off it. "You make this sounds like a complex thing to understand ." Ironic ??? >Now if I sound complex - " 'listen without bias' ,'nod' then consider there merits independant of yours" - really is it ? I disagreed as there was contradiction involved with expression & thought by Mokel ,that meaning was right and I agreed but the means of how it came was perplexing. The story was to explain the disagreement to why I think Mokels statement should have been written more truthfully then what he expresses from his feelings which are still unresolved ,maybe symptoms of some cognitive dissonance. Iglak , by saying that I'm closed minded and also icknowledging with a prior statement you gave me " I'm not sure if you do or not, but your arguments don't support that you do " is contradictory and assumptious since you gave me your own fact that Im closed minded but yet unsure of another detail ,thats ok as I will explain , I was agreeing and simplified what he meant in laymans just I was giving criticism with what I just explained in above paragraph . ---------------------------------- "if you are willing to genuinely listen to someone's arguements" "that doesn't mean you have to accept them. You can listen and consider, and still find their arguement is a load of fecal matter" I only saw how the story contradicted and yes I was critical about it I saw the words " Geniune", "Agreeing" then something about "not accepting" , this is why I mentioned the story .I compared the story which showed with an expected a geniune apology that I asked for , which I thought being the TRUTH didn't match up to be anything genuine when she walked away shaking her head and slamming the door this is the contradiction of thought expression .
  10. sayo , When you agree it is simply translated ,as I understood ; 'listen without bias' ,'nod' then consider there merits independant of yours . , how did I dismiss anything I was merely being critical on expression . I would also mention that it is hard to give merit when the thought going through your head about what there saying is 'fecal matter ' , how can you sound geniune when you are contradicting thought & expression , body language & signals are what proves them not geniune and I can prove it. This is critical ( not closed minded ) as the what the story is saying is , a closed minded response will lead to criticism ,the person at fault is the one who starts it, here is a story . The other day I had a disagreement with a customer service representative, I complained to her boss that attitude to the job was disgusting by the way she handled me , I'm not going to explain why she gave me attitude but I insist that I was always polite & manneristic and in no way wrong about my criticism . So we discussed together with the boss what my problem was and I explained to her , she relized the problem and she said sorry , I was happy with that but when she walked away she shook her head and slammed the door behind her ,she agreed with me alright but it was in no way geniuine ,this kind of example is what I mean by what is mentioned in second paragraph. The next time I went in , I left a water bottle in front of the customer service counter and walked away to collect something , when I came back it was gone ,I asked the other attendant "did you see anyone come and collected the water bottle " he said "no" then I replied " are you sure you did not see someone take a water bottle the time I was away " then what came to me next made me want to jump the counter , he said " NO , I dont know and Dont care ! " . I threatened him with a comment about his attitude and he went quiete very quickly and walked into the backroom, giving this guy was like in his mid 40's it didn't matter ,professionally it is not acceptable especially when your old enough to know how to go about . This is why I disagree ,she gave me attitude I responded with criticism , this does not make me closed minded as I was open to judgement from what there responses are ,I expect the same back when I do wrong but I don't expect it when Im polite and manneristic .
  11. LOTR3 was good ,the effects ,story ,scenery were magnificent. BLOOD IN BLOOD OUT was an average movie but was interesting . Dr Strangelove I have yet got to see , Stanley Kubrick right ? I heard it had a guy in it who got to attached to his nuke ,lol ( hence strangelove ). Terminator 2 , it is average but was interesting also ,I awed the first time I saw it when I was a kid , thats when I took interest in Arnold Schwarzeneger movies , I prefered the Terminator more than Rambo . Star Wars , yeah loved that as a kid .
  12. trippy
  13. I know one thing music isn't , noise . A door slamming would give more meaning to music than a Brittany Spears song if you think about it . You can feel music as it responds to your emotional needs , it is a symbiotic affair with who you are inside . If you just happen to be listening to the same music as everyone else without being deep about it then your depth of understanding and expression is the same as your state of affairs to the outside world . I have talked to alot of younger people who don't listen to my music ,it's like they don't want me to be heard around them ( might sound uncool ),I express myself differently and show another level that is hard for them to understand . For example you get someone who listens to heavy metal real loud ( the way they like it ) , they will be as mentioned 'demonized' , since the image is not symbiotic to who they are and someone who does respond to there emotional need as it feels 'threatning' to there nature.
  14. I'm not sure if anyone notes this but just another mention , The fact that I know a third of American states has forbidden the teaching of darwinism ,makes me shocked to know more christian freaks will be will become brain-washed into believing that understanding evolution is wrong ,reality check ?
  15. & Bill Murray Is hillarious. Monty Python movies & rest of the crew are funny .
  16. He sure messed the other guys on the other forum ,not even second page here.
  17. other than that my 'civilized' view of favourite movies are as described; Al Pacino movies are hardcore. Johnny Depp Movies are cool. Halle Berry movies are sexy . Stanley Kubrick movies are brilliant . Anthony Hopkins movies are interesting . Jet Li movies are good . Oliver Stone movies are brilliant. and Brooke Burke is hot .
  18. *Yawns* You make this sounds like a complex thing to understand .
  19. I admit I know nothing therefore I'am allowed to be stupid , I don't see the big fuss . This guy thinks Im being 'stupid' but actually I think it is naive to say one knows everything when one considers something 'stupid' .
  20. any career counsellors here ?
  21. Atm , I've selected individually art & psychology as subjects for uni . I've have had thoughts on changing my art subject to environmental science . Is this a good idea ? ( I 'am subject to change by reasonable opinion ) I think it is but I have no reason for change ,I ask this since I want to have reason to change and I can't think of one at this time ,it was just a gut feeling I went by that enviro science was a better option than art though I don't know why , can anyone help ?
  22. Closed minded is not listening . Open minded is is about listening . You both can't agree then you both are close minded . The tip for a good relationship is not say anything about what your beliefs are unless what you believe is the same as your partners .
  23. infinity *2 ? What is a paradox ?
  24. ok ,I'll have a shot . If I was telling you that I'm a liar , then am I telling you the truth .
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