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stop the clock

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Everything posted by stop the clock

  1. Hello I am not an expert in chemestry, but someone told me about this weird substance called monatomic gold. Or white powder gold that apparentkly has amazing abilities. So I typed it up on google and got a lot of weird results. I will start of with this example Advertising Link Removed By Moderator, which seems to be a typical snake oil salesman site that is just after money for selling something that does not work. But then I clicked on a couple of more hits and came across stuff that made me starting to doubt. Advertising Link Removed By Moderator The above websites go on about something called ORMUS and how its actually had scientific researched conducted. The second site seems to be a bit on the woo side and just there to make money but it adds to confusion. I then came across a lecture by a man called Laurence Gardner who researched the idea that the Ark of the Covenant was some sort of monatomic gold producer, I will quote the description of the video the lecture features in: The video can be viewed here - Advertising Link Removed By Moderator Also, by searching the word "Mfkzt" gets to this web page with apparent scientific research into this Advertising Link Removed By Moderator If you have time I would be grateful if you could look into some of these links, especially thee ones that have apparent Scientific research into them like in the last link. Not to mention, I once cae across this book - Advertising Link Removed By Moderator Which claims that in thee Bergeci mountins in Romanian, there was some sort of underground cave found that contained remains of an advance ancient society. One of the things included was monoatomic gold that could give you extended life and healing powers. It even claims that there is a Freemasonic conspiracy to obtain it and allow them to become all poweful. Which is a bit uneasy to say the least. Not to mention that whaacko David Icke seems to have a fondness to monoatomic gold and otther conspiracy theoriests think it exists. I'm quite confused right now and just want to know this. Is it possbile at all too have monatomic gold in anyway/ If so could it contain magical properties like what I have described above? Its highly confusing since I'm not an expert in chemistry or Physics and would be grateful if someone could explain it to me.
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