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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
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    Circuit boards, fuel cells, website making, and chess.
  • Favorite Area of Science

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Baryon (4/13)



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  1. Why atheists see miracles, and don't even take it as evidence.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. dragonstar57


      I put a pizza in a toaster oven.

      it should have taken 15 mis to be done.

      it was done in 5.

      the fsm is real!!!!!!!!!

    3. Weirdmaskman


      Lol.. Thats what science turns the son of Man to.

      Many dont get it that there are some things beyond researches, beyond finding the roots, beyond questioning... Just ultramundane incidences.

    4. dragonstar57


      lulz "beyond questioning"

      nothing is beyond questioning let alone the superstition of bronze age goat herders

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