This is an idea I had quite recently. I know it needs work, and I would've liked to have diagrams of what I mean exactly when I say a certain thing. But here is my first draft.
Jan. 2, 2012
This theory was developed with these laws in mind:
1. At the beginning and end of all things, there must be nothing.
2. In order to compare something to isolate its true nature, something that has no prior characteristic must be used.
3. These characteristics are relationships the object in question has with something else.
4. If something has no relationship to any other, it does not exist and is nothing.
The universe is only as big as there is another landmark to mark its edge. All things have a finite end.
Beyond the expansion exists nothing. For there is nothing else to exist.
Before the big bang all matter and energy was contained within a single entity called singularity. This point and time was after a previous existence because again all things have a finite end.
Singularity is the smallest state of existence in which something can still be called existing in reality.
This point blinks in and out of existence in order to balance the equation. Everything has an equal and opposite reaction. Thus in order for it to exist for any given time, it must spend an equal amount of time not existing.
Think computer monitor. Your computer monitor displays a series of still images, but faster than your eyes can see, there is always an equal amount of time that the monitor is completely blank, Though it is broken up so many times it seems to always be there.
The universe also exists like this. All things pulse on either side of the origin dimension or characteristic.
Take a line. What dimensions does it have? Does it have 3 different sides? No. It only has 1 Dimension, length. But if you start using this line to represent a relationship, it has 2 sides. This line can represent a plane in which we exist currently.
This line will represent the minimum relationship threshold.(If you think about it though, a line has no size. So how close can you be to one side without actually crossing? This is what the line exists to determine. The line itself is the limit. For in order to describe it with a characteristic it must have a finite end.
This line exists only at singularity when energy is taking its jump from existence to non existence. This is believed to be a "framerate" or pulse frequency of the speed of light.
Summed up: All things real pulse in and out of existence at the speed of light.
This is why the speed of light has such importance in the universe.
The other side of the line where everything "doesnt" exist must exist in relation to the origin "nothing"
Thus everything on the opposite side of the line must be exactly the opposite of whats over here. This means at the very point of singularty inside every quark and piece of energy that makes up the physical world we live in, down until your looking at just one "pixel" of the universe, that pixel crosses over into another universe that doesnt exist at the same time as ours. Yet each one exists when the other does not.
This happens at the speed of light. For each singularity that exists must release its energy (Though it is not fully understood how much energy is contained within a singularity) until it is out of energy, then it crosses the line into the other universe where it fills up with energy. For on the other side of the line each "pixel" or singularity of the universe must represent an absense of the exact same amount of energy it releases in our universe.
Now to know exactly which side of the line we are on is impossible. Because sides are relative to the observer. You could say that we are on the side in which the "pixels" of the universe refill with energy. But that wouldnt change the fact that relative to us, existing means to not be in the state of not existing. Thus the point is moot.
Resolution is merely a ratio. Ratio is a comparison of two things. Since things have physical mass and size, there must be a finite number of objects making that thing up.
You can say that there are a billion cells making up a human body 1B:1, but how many molecules of chemicals and compounds make up each cell, how many atoms make up each molecule? how many protons and neutrons make up each atom? how many quarks and strings make up each proton and neutron? how many points of singularity make up each quark and string that make up each proton and neutron that make up each atom that make up each molecule that make up each compound that makes up each cell that makes up a human?
As you branch outward from singularity, the resolution of the physical world becomes immense. The energy that singularities release moves outward colliding with other energy that other singularities release. Discrepencies in the universe force the energy to blend imperfectly. This imperfection makes a certain pattern that allows the energy to bounce around in a 3 dimensional form.
The energy that is released is directional, but only significantly at a higher resolution (farther away from singularity)
As the energy from 1 singularity flows into the energy from another, the angle at which the pulses collide determine the direction the resulting combination it goes. These pulses build on one another and as it builds it forms patterns in its vibration. Because all things pulse at a finite rate, the same things will be created each pulse. But the imperfections of the universe provide the tiniest of flaws that build upon eachother. This is what allows physical objects to exist.
If the singularities or "pixels" of the universe were perfectly ordered, then they would just continue pulsing with no change ever.
This also means that the entire universe is created over and over again every pulse which is the speed of light.
Call it time. Time is an accounting of how many ticks or pulses of the universe have gone by. Again there is resolution, 1 second contains a finite number of nanoseconds, and so forth. Yet if you keep going in until you reach a point of singularity in time, you will get the time between a singularities existence.
The speed at which light pulses.
So this means that every tick of the universe, the points of singularity that make up the universe release their energy and it combines into bigger waves, those waves collide forming other waves and it builds up and builds up until they form strings and quarks, and then those have certain physical characteristics based on the discrepencies of the energy waves that formed them, then those discrepencies are resolved because of the attraction of quarks to eachother forming protons. The protons have specific characteristics because of the combined quarks inside and one of these characteristics is the ability to hold a specific charge of energy. This charge is called electricity and allows protons to attract to each other based on how much energy that they have. Those in turn form the atoms and molecules that then attract each other based on the energies they hold.
This means that humans still exist, the physical world we see around us is the end result of all the energy released by singularities, and that everything we feel see and do is still real.
This happens every single tick of the universe. The actual number means nothing because a number is a characteristic of the human brain that developed in the vast cause and effect chain that makes it so.
None of what has been written here is meant to destroy put down or replace any existing theory. It is intended to add onto existing proven theorems and provide a unique view on how we exist.
Please respond kindly and give criticism that is useful.