That is a good observation.. However, I have a clean strain of S. cervasae that I'm working with, so I'm not overly concerned with any proteases that might liquefy the gelatin. I just haven't seen any information anywhere concerning the mixing of solidifying agents when preparing media, and this thread (as old as it is) seems to have a knowledgeable group discussing media preparation.
I'm just wondering if I could actually acheive a homogenous product if I combined geletin and agar. Although now that I'm really bringing the thinker into play, I might try to layer some plates- gelatin on the bottom, thin agar layer on the top.. My chief concern with the use of gelatin is the softness of the material, and how it will hold up to autoclaving (okay.. A trip through a pressure cooker). I want to keep my pure strains pure, you know..