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Everything posted by Sighance

  1. Based on reading the above comments, I don't think that many of these contributors are thinking about the complete picture. If/When we suffer a super volcanic eruption or just a very large eruption anywhere around the globe, it could mean possible annihilation of a population inhabiting a vast amount of land, if not a continent. It is possible that given the right circumstances, a massive eruption could make the earth mostly uninhabitable for a long time. Maybe the natural progression of total earth development(meaning all inclusive), is for us to figure out how to safely, practically and ecologically correct, harness the volcanic energy all over the world. By somehow (there has to be a way) tapping into the pressures beneath the earth, we could create pores on the planet's surface, so it's skin could sweat, releasing balanced amounts of pressure. I always think of a volcano as similar to a pimple or boil on animal skin I am sure that we are smart enough creatures to devise how to drill down to a point in the earth's crust that doesn't quite reach the actual active molten lava but close enough to drain off some form of energy that will serving the purpose of killing two birds with one stone. Based on reading the above comments, I don't think that many of these contributors are thinking about the complete picture. If/When we suffer a super volcanic eruption or just a very large eruption anywhere around the globe, it could mean possible annihilation of a population inhabiting a vast amount of land, if not a continent. It is possible that given the right circumstances, a massive eruption could make the earth mostly uninhabitable for a long time. Maybe the natural progression of total earth development(meaning all inclusive), is for us to figure out how to safely, practically and ecologically sound, harness the volcanic energy all over the world. By somehow (there has to be a way) tapping into the pressures beneath the earth, we could create pores on the planet's surface, so it's skin could sweat, releasing balanced amounts of pressure. I always think of a volcano as similar to a pimple or boil on animal skin I am sure that we are smart enough creatures to devise how to drill down to a point in the earth's crust that doesn't quite reach the actual active molten lava but close enough to drain off some form of energy that will serving the purpose of killing two birds with one stone.
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