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Everything posted by pavis

  1. Okay, I would go with that suggestion and load less protein and check once again. Thank you Okay, I would go with that suggestion and load less protein and check once again. Thank you
  2. Hii No, I dont have multiple bands in same lane. I get bands at different positions in replicates on the same gel. For instance, I have my control in first lane and First acid extraction sample in second lane, and second extraction third lane. When I run the gel and developed blot against specific antibody, I found one band in each lane at different positions. see picture below
  3. Hi ! I am working with isolation of plant histone proteins. 1) Currently I am using acid extraction method to isolate histones from 10 g of leaves. 2) Bradford protein measurement to measure protein concentration in isolated samples, so that i can load desired amount of protein when I use western blotting. Problem is: when I run all the Histone samples on a gel to perform western blot, protein bands migrate at different pace and stop at different positions(first band at ~15 KD, second and third protein band ~20 ). even though all the bands contain same sample Why I worry so much because I use specific antibody, they should be located at one particular molecular weight. can some one help me with this Regards, Pavis.
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