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Everything posted by TheOnlyMaster

  1. Quantum jumping will be the new Scientology soon.
  2. Yes, it gives me headaches too Yes, according to the theory, that is exactly what happens, there would be billions of alternate universes with billions of alternate "you" for every single decision you took in life. (I'm not saying I agree with it, in fact far from it. Just stating what the theory is about). This theory was developed to explain particle movements at a quantum level but the reality is that we are all made from quantum particles (including our brains) and everything we do creates movement of these quantum particles and therefore splits the universe. Pretty crazy stuff. I have read a new theory which I believe makes more sense, which states that multiple universes do exist but they are not created by "quantum splitting" instead they are created by black/white holes. Where a black hole will at the other end create a white hole where matter is poured into a new universe(creating a big bang). As far fetched as this seems, it would explain the problem of the quantum particles without the nonsense of splitting universes.
  3. silly question really. There are many. You ever heard of a guy called Stephen Hawking? I heard he's pretty good.
  4. TheOnlyMaster

    About time

    Makes sense. The time will never change for the observer within his local frame but only against a reference point based on the speed at which the subject travels. The "Twin Paradox" resultant from Einstein's special relativity theory answers these questions rather well. Time would still exist for the person as the subject travelling does not notice the effects of time dilation, these are only noticeable when compared to a stationary reference point. Although in reality for someone to travel at the speed of light would break many laws of physics as we know them. As for the validity of time dilation, to put it quite simply, if time dilation was not taken into account; the current GPS systems would never work because due to the satellite's speed time is "slower" for the satellite.
  5. you might find this of interest http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/04/100409-black-holes-alternate-universe-multiverse-einstein-wormholes/
  6. Although I disagree with the current view on multiple universes, for the many reasons you guys have stated; I do believe that multiple universes exist. I have just started a topic on the Many worlds interpretation and why it ultimately fails so I won't go into detail on that but this is a theory that I believe is onto something. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/04/100409-black-holes-alternate-universe-multiverse-einstein-wormholes/ Certainly makes more sense than the current universe splitting theories.
  7. I'm amazed how many people didn't realize the angles were wrongly displayed on the diagram, it was the first thing I noticed. The correct answer is that the ball would just bounce back to it's original position.
  8. Whilst you are partly correct, this does not answer my question. Also, semantically speaking an interpretation is a theory. As for it not being a hot topic, I would have to disagree with you because solving this is believed by many physicists to be key to unlocking the mysteries that still surround quantum physics. In fact, without this theory many other theories that have evolved for quantum physics would be completely wrong.
  9. I can tell you are most definitely not up to speed with the theory. Yes, the theory does relate at quantum level but since we are made of atoms it relates to any decision you make also. (The brain is made of atoms when you think it creates quantum movement, therefore if the world splits for each quantum movement possible it will create a universe for each decision possible) Like I said I'm trying to keep it simple.
  10. So lately I have been reading up on the Multiverse/Many worlds interpretation theory, I just wanted to know your opinions on the following: I will try to keep this as least technical as possible. As you know, the MWI consists of the idea that any decision you ever make will split the universe into as many possible outcomes of that decision as possible, so say for example, someone asks you if you want tea or coffee and you answer tea; at this point the universe will split and another "you" in another universe will have chosen coffee and yet another "you" will have said nothing and so on. If you consider this, you can safely say that anything that is a possible outcome in the world will have happened in another universe. With this in mind, if being able to somehow communicate with these other universes was at all possible then in one of the universes someone will have done it already. Since we have not heard from any of the other universes, does this mean that communication between universes is not a possible outcome and therefore this theory will never be proven? Would love to know your thoughts.
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