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Everything posted by Severian

  1. [braveheart] FREEEEEEDOM! [/braveheart]
  2. Exactly. And if your imagination conjurs up images of pedophilia, what does that say about you?
  3. Why is it causeless just because you don't percieve anything in between? It can still have a cause, and can still be predicted.
  4. I think it is true to say that Germany has never ever won a war in its entire existence. One could argue about the Franco-Prussian war I suppose, since Germany did unify into a single state 10 days before the end of the war, but even that was way back in 1871, and it was against the French so hardly counts.... So why should we be worried about Germany?
  5. It takes a pretty sick mind to see anything sexual in that picture. Are we sure it isn't ku who is the pedophile?
  6. It is a question of what you regard as offensive behaviour. It is not acceptable behaviour to scream at the top of your voice while in a pub, even although it is not directly harming anyone. You are polluting the pub with your noise and ruining the enjoyment of others standing near you. Why should it be any different for people smoking, polluting the air that we breath and ruining our enjoyment?
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4201053.stm Not feasible eh? (Incidentally this was quite a while ago. In Scotland, they are now forced to be non-smoking by law, but their smoking ban predates the law.)
  8. Who is, not whose.
  9. He's worried you'll sue.
  10. ... which is more than we can say for most Americans.
  11. There is no boubt that second hand smoke causes cancer. The only question is whether the risk of cancer from second hand smoke is tolerable or not.
  12. Nasa is http://www.nasa.gov It is a governmental organization, not a company.
  13. Severian


    Do you mean Dark Matter?
  14. I played that for a while but cancelled.
  15. Everquest 2
  16. I like the muller yogurt ads with people dancing to a catchy tune that I have forgotten the name of.
  17. I occassionally play a MMORPG (that is very embarassing...)
  18. Er... you do realize that it was CG and not real, don't you?
  19. As far as I am aware, they are not planning on banning the internet, but instead are planning on reducing the regulation. They are planning on allowing internet service providers to charge website owners for allowing the provider's subscribers to access the website owner's websites. So, for example, if Microsoft don't pay Verizon a fee, then Verizon could ban its subscribers from visiting Microsoft sites. I think doing such a thing would be market suicide for an ISP though, since everyone would go and sign up with the unrestricted ones instead.
  20. Yes. This is a true statement since the operation can be simply projection onto the basis. So this does indeed 'come for free'.
  21. It wasn't as good talk-wise as last year, but it was in a nicer location.
  22. For the record, I agree with Martin on this. There is no evidence of any singularity in physics, whether that is the big bang or a black hole. The sigularity is merely an unconsious and unjustified extrapolation of perceived trends out of the observational realm.
  23. The reason that I wasn't posting last week was that I was in California for a conference on supersymmetry, chatting to people like Wilczek and Susskind. Some of the talks have now been put up on the website, and I thought some of them might be of interest to people here: http://susy06.physics.uci.edu/program.html
  24. Energy is actually intimately connected with time. Conservation of energy derives from the requirement that the laws od physics shoould not change with time.
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