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Everything posted by Severian
You would see yourself' date=' with no distortion. The light will travel relative to you at 'c', just like it would if the train were stationary. Yes, again everything would look normal. However, if you look outside the train, the will see some weird shit!
If back holes exist, they will attract objects with mass. If dark matter exixts, it must have mass, and be more or less everywhere. So if black holes and dark matter exist, you can be pretty sure that there will be some dark matter inside. How much dark matter probably depends on the model.
MIT is supposed to be quite good, but it is a bit nerdy.
Is that what you meant to say? Considering that I know many conservatives and liberals alike who have degrees in Economics, I don't think that is a fair representation (perhaps you just have odd friends).
Cheer up - maybe some day they will choose people to flick the switch on pedophile's electric chairs by state lottery! You still have a chance!
After speaking to her for 10 seconds, no judge would think Bettina should be on a jury....
I must admit I have no idea what you are trying to say in the original post. Are you complaining that only hippies should be allowed to criticise Bush?
All three. It just depends which one falls in. You should bear in mind though that we do not have a working quantum theory of gravity, so all this is speculation (including Hawking radiation).
Snake_Arts: You are a wee bit out of date. This was the view a few years ago, but more recent data suggests that the universe need not be the same in the time direction as the space direction, so it could be spatially closed, but never come to a big crunch. In fact the data points to the universe being spatially flat, but the expansion seems to be accelerating! This last observation is not understood and was a big surprise because the question had always been 'How fast is it decellerating?'. No-one expected an acceleration.
Ah' date=' but the true test of nerdom is when you learn how to write it [math']\mbox{ \LaTeX}[/math]. Edit: That is actually surprising hard to do in a math environment!
I am not seeing what this has to do with a tin can?? But the idea that the universe has an 'edge' is only popular among airmchair scientists. The accepted view among physicsists/cosmologists is that the universe keeps going on forever. If it just stopped you would be violating lorentz invariance. The idea that it had a periodic boundary condidtion (ie. if you travel far enough you would come back to where you started) is self-consistant but is disfavoured by experimental data.
I took my wife out to the restaurant which was recently voted the best restaurant in the country. It was very nice indeed, but we both ate too much.
er.. no. Maybe you should discuss your childhood with someone....
George Bush using religion to make decisions regarding cloning GRrrrr
Severian replied to Sashatheman's topic in Politics
They voted him in to run the country and that includes making moral judgement calls. A huge proportion of the decisions that he must make are moral ones - if you forbid him from making such decisions then there is no point having a President in the first place! I do disagree with the decision, but I think it is his right to make it. If you disagree, vote him out next time. -
But that is the point. It doesn't. This was the whole point of the double slit experiment with electrons. It genuinely does go through both slits because it does not actually have a specific location.
We know who you are because you have your name and picture (is that you?) to the left of the post. There is no need to sign again. Back to the topic: I notice that the people here who are raging against the muslim community are comitting a straw-man fallicy. They are arguing for freedom of speech, while those who want tolerance of other people's religion are not arguing against free speech. Obviously we all think that newspapers should be free to expres their opinions. There should not be laws preventing free-speech (indeed, there should be laws guaranteeing free-speech). They should print what they want as long as they are not encouraging a crime. (Actually it is now a crime in the UK to promote racial hatred - how hatred is defined is rather unclear. I would be surprised if these cartoons didn't count, but that is a different issue.) But, there is such a thing as decent behaviour. Just because the law does not forbid us from behaving antisocially doesn't mean that we should. These newspapers should never have published these pictures because they are in bad taste, offensive and do not convey any relevant information. The newpapers are supposed to have their own regulatory bodies which prevent this sort of thing (notice this is not a restriction on free-speech since it is self imposed), but in this case they proved useless. The people who support the publishing of these cartoons are not supporting free-speech, they are supporting intolerance towards those with a different religion or culture. Imagine this scenario. Imagine an African American standing for president. Let's say one newspaper is against his candidacy and wants his opponent to win. Would it be acceptable for them to accompany its coverage of a candidate debate with a cartoon protraying him as one of the black-and-white minstrels (if you know what I mean by that)? Of course not! Preventing them from doing so by law would be a violation of free speech, but any decent newspaper should be capable of keeping its coverage civilized.
I don't understand what you mean by this sentence. The edge of the rim is moving with respect to the stationary observer at the centre, so it will be length contracted. An infinitesimal length dx on the rim in the wheel's rest frame will become \frac{1}{\gamma} dx in the observer's frame. It doesn't make any difference whether the velocity is perpendicular to the radius.
Haven't you got that a bit ass-backwards? The US invaded Iraq because they wanted to impose their world-view on the country (I am being kind in not saying for the oil). Isn't that a "matter of one group trying to impose its ideas on another by force". So is that "wrong and should be resisted"? Edit: Ah - reverse beat me to it. Edit2: I wish it was acceptable for the UK to invade the US in order to impose decent spelling on the population.
This would be my problem too. In fact, my father wouldn't let us eat normal burgers when i was a child. If we wanted burgers he would insist on mincing steaks and make them into burgers himself.
{\cal L} = \bar \psi \left( i \gamma^{\mu} \partial_{\mu} -m \right) \psi - \frac{1}{4} F^{\mu \nu}F_{\mu \nu}
That is because interactions which change isospin must be mediated by a W-boson, which is very heavy and difficult to produce. (QCD and QED both preserve isospin.)
My father owned a slaughterhoue and I would go along with him sometimes and watch the 'executions' (we had to wear wellington boots because the blood came up to our ankles). So I suppose I am used to it. Did you ever think burgers were anything but lips and asshole?
Which part of that excerpt would put you off?