While reading about theoretical particle physics (a few of these theories are currently under experimentation at the LHC), I came up with a possible explanation for the origin of the Big Bang (and a few other open questions as well).
It's probably bogus—after all, I have precisely 0 post-highschool science credentials.
Here's a synopsis of my line of thinking.
· Cause and effect, as we typically think of them, aren't the original catalysts of the Big Bang because the Big Bang (effect) itself required a cause. This cause in turn implies a preceding effect that also required a cause. So, thinking of the Big Bang as the initial cause of the universe is a paradox with no solution, as you cannot have the Big Bang (effect) without a cause preceding it.
· There must be some other way to account for the existence of our universe.
· Implicate order is another process that might lead to an effect without a chronologically preceding cause.
· There are certain theoretical conditions in Einstein's theory of relativity that allow for matter traveling at velocities surpassing the speed of light to travel backwards in time.
· A neutrino is a particle theorized to have the ability to travel at these kinds of speeds.
· If we can harness the ability to send messages back in time, we can create an alternate universe whose initial conditions we have set up in advance and whose initial particles exist at the time the message is sent.
· If we send a neutrino back in time, attaching, through quantum teleportation, both the original information and the necessary particles, this new universe could inherit the initial cause required to make the Big Bang.
· Additionally, if we can create a Big Bang, we could also have been caused by another universe harnessing the knowledge, information, and particles required to make our Big Bang happen.
· This "initial" universe, in turn, may have been caused by yet another universe created through the same process (the original impetus, again, would be implicate order). This would support the possibility that there could be a non-finite number of alternate universes existing within the same multi-dimensional space.