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  1. Brian Greene. He's mostly about string theory. He's on TV docs and stuff a lot. Michio Kaku is a popular communicator of science, too. These are the last two I can think of that these guys haven't covered. Oh and Brian Cox, who actually works at the LHC.
  2. Wouldn't all of the mass of both galaxies just come together and have extremely strong force of gravity and like...collapse in on itself? Almost like a black hole? But at the same time, what about the redshift of that we see of stars and galaxies, how are we going to collide if we are spreading out...? It seems like the Andromeda collision and expansion of the universe contradict each other. Unless I'm missing something here (which I probably am).
  3. Why? Because there isn't sufficient evidence to support life outside of earth and its atmosphere. Even though there is a small chance of finding anything, that doesn't mean nothing is out there, and it doesn't mean we won't ever find life beyond earth. A recent study predicts that there are about 160 billion planets in the Milky Way. Just the Milky Way. So plug that into the Drake equation and see it's still possible. But again, most people and the press say there isn't found life yet because, well, there really hasn't. And on a day-to-day basis, ordinary people don't worry about it.
  4. I enjoyed this. Thanks brah.
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