Gardon Thomas
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Did you all read my explanation to a Vacuum after reading the Theory Explanation on the 2rd page? This is breakthrough stuff. God Bless. I told Klynos I was gone anyway.
Moontanman ahahah. I loved this, you were so witty. Just for everyone elses pleasure. What Moontanman did here was take my statement and apply it to his answer, once again disregarding the original statement and making Gravity the impending topic. lovely. aha Klynos I cannot ignore the Mod post comment. I must thank you. Until this point I have addressed all the questions, and having tried, believe I have remained polite. Thus, My thanks is for taking notice and an interest in this thread, as well as performing your duties as mod. Tres Juicy I cannot provide evidence that there is a lack of evidence we've been to space. If your so convinced, provide some photographs clearly taken beyond the outer most reaches of our atmosphere. you quoted a very clear explanation for that! (read your post!^^) Can I have this man banned from my thread? A:Volume density: It displaces itself first. Tres Juicy, a vaccuum is not 100% lacking air. you understand that right? Are you making a point or looking for an answer? In an air tight containment where air is not 100% absent, it reacts similar to that the atmosphere does at it's outreaches, performimg a double-flip [here by named Outer flip.]. The containment will now suck tot he center as a newly formed atmosphere, which as water, will always strive to be a droplet. Like our Atmosphere is. Circular. And it will contain the solid object at it's core. Duhh That is The theory of Aerodynamics. (edit: also look further down the post to the rule Mississippechem quoted form me earlier.) It will cling out in reverse, like to the fabric of space, and in with as much might as can be mustered. Thus you cannot enter space, it will grab you with great outer-flip strength, and return you to earth, or somewhere, you might land near water. The tides do not require gravity/ They require a physical attraction to a land mass. Water does that naturally. You can observe this by looking at the rim of a beaker or perhaps an indulgent finger. Thus it meets the requirements of The Theory of Aerodynamics: an oposition to the theory of Gravity. What book are you suggesting? Klynos, I don't care now. It's okay guys, I have the answer to disproving Continental Shift as well: God did it; The Third day of Creation, left a geological footprint. AS did the continental shift of the Generations of Pe'leg. unrelenting Factual patterns. God pulled the earth from wihtin itself and it grew to surface from the oceans. Moontanman "Solar heat has nothing to do with tides, it cannot be used to predict the tides or shown to be responsible in any way and yet you still assert the suns heats causes tides... open your mind to reality Gardon, reality is beautiful, not scary. " That not scientific, that's a personal statement you can't back up. You haven't provided any evidence that isn't true. By supporting yourselves you've only supported me. By not considering what my Theory was, you were unable to provide valid information that I was wrong, or that it was not possible. Everything observable that supports gravity supports the theory of Aerodynamics even more. H D That Should Be My wall post. (creationism) love it. I read there was no evidence I was wrong or youw ere wrigth. The written observations can be wrote down using the term gravity all anybody wants - the reality is Aerodynamics takes place. Obverse what you like, they observations are not the cause, H2O is. Mississippechem ahahahahh. I could hardly stop laughing. H2O, that is what water is. lol yes thank you for posting that up there. That si a very important rule in explaining the vacuum.
You guys fail to see how none of the information you provide supports Gravity or disproves what I've suggested may be a more logical answer. The information you've provided is merely, observed motions, they can be applied to any theory. Unless we've been to space, gravity is not a proven theory, and there is no evidence we ever have been to space. The pivotal evidence that makes this statement not trolling according to the forum policy, is that there is a lack of evidence showing we've been to space. Tres Juicy 3) air has no mechanism to "hold you down", if that were true would it not hold you in place as well? I guess you never read the article I posted: Air is not thick enough in volumes to entrap you, it sooner displaces an equal volume of itself. "air has no mechanism to "hold you down" Are you suggesting I said that or is it your own words? Because, It does hold you down. The entire sky is trying to be lower then you, even if it means attempting to crush you unsuccessfully. H D your post about solid body tides in post #13 was a theoretical statement involving a planet with no dry land: was that the reference you made at the top of the page? going on to, "... Those primary and reflected waves interfere creating very complex interference patterns. That simple two bulge model is just wrong when it comes to the ocean tides. Modeling the ocean tides is an empirical science. Fortunately, the concept of looking at the tides in the frequency domain is still valid. ..." This statement is exactly the scientifically concept, Aerodynamics is based upon. The fact that the moon can be used to predict tides is 100% as supportive to My theory as that of Gravity. I am not ignoring the moon when considering the solar heat. But, as this is a Tidal thread, What then is the answer to the question: Is it so, that when the tide recedes in the North it comes back in the south hemisphere? or Does, the tide come back in the Eastern coasts while receding in the western ones? wow. these were yes/no questions. you guys are a joke. If your so concerned about spelling maybe you'd pay attention to grammar, and just say NO. when the tide goes out in the north that does not mean it is coming in in the south. And also, NO, it does not mean it is bouncing back to opposite coastlands. But Because you insist this thread is more about Gravity than Tidal motions, Please, in your own words, using your own proofs (as in personally and manually demonstrable facts) PROVE GRAVITY. Or it is a THEORY! Theory: a particular conception or view of something to be done or of the method of doing it; a system of rules or principles: a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact. because if we are speaking of things regarded as fact, you're arguing with the entire religious world. We are valid opposition to unproven claims. Thus, also, my theory of Aerodynamics is indeed a theory.
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Moontanman, The reference made about the earth seeming circular in the book of Isaiah is because he was describing a vision God game him. Clearly, the planet appears circular. The Bible does not say the earth is flat once. Flawed accusation. Poor supporting evidence. The Theory of Aerodynamics an opposition to The Theory of Gravity. "If it causes flight, it is rightly that which impedes it. Cause and effect" Air is continuously competing to be at the lowest area possible, even if that means where you are. However air is so thin, it is rarely successful and when compressed it freely displaces itself rather then any objects. Thus in its natural state as the Sky, it is relatively harmless, but requires other solid objects to become threatening. This meaning, that it requires artificial forces to compress air without it freely dispersing itself without harm. Air and Water, however are both truly water, biblically differentiated Sea and Sky, and react in almost the same way: Always seeking the lowest point, and always determined to stay as a whole, like a water droplet. Separately, though both water, they cling to themselves and to the nearest solid object, which when considered in scale is the planet as a whole, not any object, because before it can be measured on such a small scale it must be considered that the entire sky is in competition as a whole with itself. Thus, the lowest point is determined by the sky, which by not being Sea has enough influence to manipulate it. Air will press down on you until you escape it, and at the outer limits it will cling to you and bring you back. Because the air is so thin, when you go up, the density of the air bellow you, being so thin, cannot hold you there, and you must fall, because the sky is now competing to take your place elevated above the ground also. As a Competition we are speaking in relative volumes, regardless of the whole, so the mass of the sky is not a relate-able measurement when inquiring as to why you do not remain suspended. But, if you compact air, then lift may be achieved, and this is how flight works. However, once you reach the outer limits of the atmosphere the air, which no longer has the entire bulk of the Sky pressing down on it, it freely reaches out to the fabrics of Space, which scientists agree cannot be a vacuum. Thus the out atmosphere, is a double flip, creating a zone in which the air will not pull you down to earth any longer (or at least at an accelerated pace), in which all satellites and space crafts fly about the earth. The moon is beyond that double flip. The air however, in this Flip, is so thin that enough propulsion cannot be achieved to further space travel, and therefore it is made impossible. The observable facts are the behaviors of water and of air, as well as the lack of space travel evidence, as well as the biblical incentives. The living God said do not study the stars, and also, that Air is like Sea, they are both water. The sun and moon stopped for 24 hours, thus God has provided his proof, and recorded it to the ends of time. And thus, I do not believe in The Theory of Gravity, which has provided no further evidence that it is accurate, if space travel cannot be proven to me: It never has. Moontanman clearly my brain hasn't fallen out. so say anything you want, that isn't what would make it true or not, not even repeating it. But if you believe there are photographs of the far side of the moon, please, i am interested in the truth very much. but as far as the Tides, which was the initial purpose of this topic... I have a feeling your 12 or something... when the tides go out, DO THEY GO NORTH, SOUTH, or EAST/WEST? that isn't a complicated question, butt he answer is hard to find. uhhh! Out is the worst possible answer! It was in the question!
Thanks Granpa but these are observed reactions, the cause is still theoretical. The idea that the solar heating of the ocean is not voided by any means. but thank you for staying on the actual topic. I was very curious to find out where they go. it is North South right? as apposed to being pulled to the east / west by the Coriolis effect.
Ophiolite please notice the topic was a question. this discussion was just a note I asked people to consider. No one answered the question either. but again thank you again Granpa (I posted at the beginning, I was having troubles finding the right information online), So, ANSWER: The Tides go North and South, not East and West. And they move like water would, such as in a sink, but distinctly North and South. Is that a satisfying answer to my original question? Where does the water go when the tide goes out (North, south, east/west)? please note: This assortment of replies is why I've postponed explaining how the Theory of Aerodynamics counters the Theory of Gravitational pull, but is dependent on space travel truly being a conspiracy. answer truthfully, if space travel is a hoax, is it so absurd? H D Were you going to provide further evidence rather then non-photographic illustrations that the far side of the moon has ever been observed? because there aren't any. H D, maybe you've provided an illustration of the far side of the moon, but those drawings are not evidence of space travel or a moon landing, they are not photographs. Moontanman "I am sorry, but the tides goes no place any more than any other ocean wave goes someplace, after it crashes on shore, the tides goes back out after it comes in, i don't see what point you are trying to make... " - aha, That's my point, where is that place. That was the initial question. "where is this enormous temp change? How can it account for tides of several feet every day?" There is a time of more heat, and a time of evening out the heat. The ocean rolls over itself, to stay as constant as possible always, and the sun makes it impossible to stay constant. The ocean temperature is always changing, don't be so ignorant of the obvious. Just because the warm and cool areas move about, and sink and rise doesn't mean they are not factual. Otherwise it would not be disputable that the icecaps shouldn't' be melting so fast, climate change in the ocean between dawn and dusk even out, after temperature changes of mere degrees. and I did not overlook those points you made. Your being close minded. now, just because my theory has been pushed of topic temporarily, address the reason why. Where does it say the planet is flat? In the bible, Earth pertains to dry land or it's inhabitants, not oceans.
Moontanman #4 yes, I did observe and reply to Granpa in regards to the appreciated chart. But it's only a semi accurate account of fours hours of 1 day. so... I noticed it right after making the "Sink" comment labeled ANSWER. #3 I never heard of that theory. But that is why I had to ask before continuing. I don't know where flat Earth theories originate, it's not scriptural, I honestly think that they are made up theories that real people never believed in the first of places [ modern day twists of tales, like Christmas. which pertains to the Holy Spirit in giving during the winter solstice which occurs when no food grows of the ground and needy people are hungry everywhere north of Israel (which was christian).]. #2 You had already provided evidence, via witness that the tides did not come in at the same time every day. iNow, had also provided a link to a chart, at which time I acknowledged my error, but also stated it was disregard-able in comparing theories, and also that what I really wanted was to know where the tide goes thereafter (answer: like a sink bowl). However we agree that the ocean temperatures do change, and every degree causes significant change, just not a predictable change. Scientists say that if the earth changed 4 degrees centigrade the earth would be in catastrophe, for the ocean to change such a small amount is truly of a similar magnitude. Remember that when considering the ocean temperature in relation to tides you must look at the Sea as a whole, not a single ocean, coast or bay. Wind is caused by temperature changes on and off land correct? Weather seldom relates to the entire planet on a scale or time period long enough to create flaw in the theory that the sun and moon heat not pull the oceans. Thank you for this mature discussion, but I had not overlooked these points. But #1. Why would you suggest that space travel is impossible? If there is no reply to these statements after a temporary pause I will be more specific immediately instead of postponing further as I have written was the intention. Your maturity makes me not want to wait.. But as a Jew, Muslim, Christian or Mormon, you must acknowledge two facts. That the sun and moon ceased to revolve about the earth and stood still in the sky for approximately a 24hour period (the 100% accuracy of this time was lost because the sun and moon stopped revolving. [convenient I know]). It is also against these religions to study the stars. Stars being observable hosts of the sky that are not from Earth. Therefore as a Christian, I cannot believe in space travel, and as a scientist I'll explain why I am sure of this momentarily.
ahah. nice illusion. but, Tres Juicy, saying I'm wrong is easy. prove it. That statement is in no way wrong unless, there is no space conspiracy. Which is beyond our faculty to discuss. yes, the day night ratio is 50 50, the earth does not accelerate or slow it's revolutions. I am not talking about your house, I'm talking about the planet. Day is present fro approx. 12 hours and night is always approx. 12 hours. and the suns heat is constant, it constantly provides the same heat all the time. The differences measured in winter are because of the angle the land and bodies of water that are directly influenced by the heat, and the refraction of the atmosphere which acts as a magnifying glass would (inner and outer effects). And since Moontanman , already made it evident that the tides do not come in at the same time, you've made no further point. Because the sun is still responsibly via heat, for the tides [ Uncontested ]. Gravitational pull, verses cooling and warming temperatures. The heat is constant, the receiving surface changes* I'll post the theory of Aerodynamics when the forum cools down. around 4am or something. ps. D H, you supported the conspiracy aspects more then anything. Only rich people had access to the military/industry information of the conspiracy. ahah. not fake. it's clearly not a photograph, which was my point.
Of course it's morally wrong! and my point is it should be illegal. but if your so convinced you can't get an STD from it, maybe you should take it from people who have contracted STD's from doing so! this should be taught in school. STD's are contracted from animals. it is obvious
Thank you Granpa for providing something substantial to the original question. I'm wondering how accurate that is? Tres Juicy "Also, gravity is not a theory - it's an observed force of nature" that is what makes it a theory. It's the observed effects. The observed effects can just as easily be applied to aerodynamics. A - Air keeps me down in my house, miles of air. and even if my information was wrong. the question is still relevant. Where does the tide go? (North/south or east/west?) However my question was self answered. The tide goes south/north some times, and east/west others. Thank you for your consideration. Water is amazing . winter. - The Day vs. night ratios do not change [ 50, 50 %]. this doesn't change the fact that the earth is on an axis. however since we proved that tides are not always at the same time, your question was ill thought out. H D "Oh my. You believe in every crackpot notion in the books?" that is not a published claim.. I don't think, (The Sky keeps us on earth.): It's biblical. also, your maps are not sufficient evidence. That, only known, Picture is not a photograph. and if the satellite could dot hat, please, produce a second, varying angle. It's a fake, obviously not a photograph, even you know that. Moontanman, I'll explain the theory of aerodynamics contradiction gravity when Tres Juicy explains this allusion. "Well, how would we get past the crystal dome?!" but, if we want to get into the conspiracy involved in space travel, consider that the USA is not the only one with a corrupt government, which through outer atmosphere technology embezzles billions in war and satellites (industry). It takes only hundreds to falsely produce the information. Intro: Babylon the Great. also, 3 men can easily keep a secret H D, they have each other to keep themselves satisfied. Cold war, meaning the governments were never directly threatened. Manifest destiny. Space agencies fund industry and war. It's all about money and power. do you really want to get int depth in this conversation? ANSWER: The oceans tides shift like water in a sink. they go north and south sometimes and east and west others. It's not a constant motion, but an over all reaction to the placement of the bulk at large. however, Gravity is a theory because it is simply a lable on observed effects.a dn so, the gravitational influences on the ocean are just as theoretical as the theory of the solar heating effect. may the discussion go on.
This was So far back I can care less if it's anonymous anymore; I could never ask a girl to suck my dick, I wasn't going to try to have sex yet, I wanted to respectallt he girls I knew but wasn't ready for a serious relationship, and I wanted to feel something like a tongue, which ought to feel semi-vagina like I figured on my dick. bamn, STD. no respect there... but my point is STD's can be directly transmitted from anonymous dogs to humans through saliva.
what would make you say that? saliva is one of the main ways of contracting sexual diseases. where do you think they come from? dirt?
no, moisture content. does anyone one this website stick to the topic? or is it all just a discussion? I was actually searching fro an asnwer. tides, (North and South vs. East and West)
I understand that planets and moons simply stay where they were put, and work how they were meant to work. distant planets however have not to my understanding been visited, so stipulating over the theoretical occurrence of them not having moisture contents holding them together is absurd to fathom. And I would argue you are just as uneducated on the subject as myself. Remember, the theory of Aerodynamics counts space sciences as voided, so your not making a substantial point. that put in place, (North and South vs. East and West) anyone have an answer? or perhaps, does anyone potentially agree that, the heat of the sun and moon have more to do with the ocean movement then the gravitational pull theory?
Well thank you, iNow, D H apologies, and thank you. Moontanman, no I don't believe in Gravity. Indeed I had been lied to, and somehow when I spent the time searching for tidal information, it phased me entirely. But the purpose of this topic was, (North and South vs. East and West) where are the tides simultaneously. It's actually incredibly hard information to locate. since atlantic pacific ratios remain irrelivant even considering the North / South equation. The Atlantic ocean is long where as the pacific wide, water movement can be calculated various ways. If anyone can answer this question, I'd be most pleased. That said, Moontanman, no I do not believe in gravity. I believe in aerodynamics. Sky and Sea are both water, and react the same way, always clinging to each other and earth. Thus sky and water act the same way, cling to earth and holding down their hosts, us. I do not believe in the moon landing or space travel because there is no evidence the far side of the moon has been observed. and the rule of aerodynamics makes it impossible to leave the atmosphere. (you can't fly beyond the point where there is not enough moisture to propel yourself off off, and yet the atmosphere continues for such a greater distance,t he water pulls you back in, because that's how water reacts.) please regard the topic first* questions?
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