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back, also more research, a friend of mine mentioned that if I was to use an open case motor, I might be able to use the wheel it's self and forward momentum of shifting weight to start and stop the engine as well as reverse the polarity to skate backwards. I still insist having a separate braking system easier accessible to the user through the heel of the skates just so people aren't risking their necks pointing their toes up to break. second note: lithium polymer batteries are what we need, I found that out at a battery store a month ago, they are lighter weight and wonderfully form fitting for any design we might want. there are two designs I could say are my top picks right now, one is powering a free spinning wheel I place running against another wheel like a track to get any wheel (including a bicycle) to move. the other idea is to adhere a small circle of dot magnets directly onto the wheel its-self and then putting the open semi circle of copper up close to it suspended from above and to the side of the wheel at an angle, then sending the current along. Idea one would be safer and less likely to ground the charge immediately, although Idea two promises a more direct contact with the charge and a sleeker lighter design. I already have a list of materials for both prototypes, I am willing to try and although I wouldn't invest in the lithium Polymer batteries yet, they aren't too expensive. the list is as follows: adhesive conductive copper tape(30-40$ on amazon), alligator clamps and wires (about 50$ total) spark gap igniters (20$ plus shipping and handling, and I'd need two so about $70) two large batteries (idk, they can be ds for all I care for the test experiment), electrode ends (can get attatched to the spark igniters online for an extra 10$ each so about $40 if I'm a sucker and don't do it myself) a large toy car (goodwill ftw prolly a buck) an amp-meter ($25 at sports good store) and a sustain pedal (basically a dime give or take at the goodwill distribution center) and a day with my brother who is better at the math for the wire distances and everything than I am XD. so... yeah about $250 if I do it the easy way or don't find all these things in goodwill in the first place. I'm still shopping around for better deals. step two- budgeting underway.
I still like the idea of the in/skate breaking and throttle... I love your idea about the speedometer wrist watch, and agree with you about the back pack power source considering the specs. If you look at my drawing you can see I've equipped it with heavier set wheels built for traction. This Is why I'm considering modifying the sustain pedals as throttle and break switches. Equally I'm thrilled to learn more about this power-routing of excess charge and how it would effect slowing and drag, I personally like the idea of using free spinning wheels and less control on stopping because of coasting and landing off of jumps. coasting also would add to energy conservation when going downhill. is there any way to incorporate this decelerating power-routing into only the break system? Sorry, I like to experiment with things unknown
http://www.buchmann....icle1-Page1.asp also a good source, apparently you might need $3,000 to get a battery that can produce even 100 Kw at a time. the best option is a PEM fuel cell, and it's costly and gigantic but produces 150 Kw ans runs on hydrogen... so yeah any way we could make it run on less or attach one of those pressure active power generators to the throttle, and if this even helps at all to reach the desired Kw directly also let us know. I currently don't have an answer for that. which reminds me, this engine can be used to power a street legal MOTORCYCLE! are we certain we need that kind of horsepower???? maybe less, less money, and less size? please? I believe it translates to approximately 30mph which is reasonable, but still I think people will be looking for something expendable and cheap and compact all at once (regardless of if it exists or not). I'm applying the "pea shooter vs my hand" mentality here by trying it from the ground up, my hand seems to still be winning against the pea shooter, that's bad news for this battery idea right now.
it's from the "air-gear" manga version. on a different subject I worked out some basic parts sketches when a friend wanted an explanation, There are only 4 parts in it I can't buy or manufacture myself from anyone I know being: an attachable wheel sized fan and on wheel motor (can consist of a magnet with two definite poles actually and switch the charge on board the skate its self the idea is to use the flow of electricity to the wheel, the accelerator can be made from a keyboard sustain petal most likely and the break can be made in a similar way plus a spring surrounding a stopper made from a door peg (something small with a rubber peg). I'm trying to simplify the design this way to items anyone can find. I also think using a system of magnets turning and switching (think of the way a simple power generator works but in reverse like an electric vacuum cleaner with more supplied power, also think of how a light-rail works, similar in operation, wheels aren't mechanized just polarized). another part would be a lithium ion battery small enough to fit in the heel... that is probably going to be the hardest item to acquire. you are going to need some massive power to pull that wheel clockwise fast enough to cary the weight of the rider forward, however leaning forward already initiates momentum and even a small mechanical pump can transfer that energy into motion so using that as the motion to start the accelerator actually plays into favor of those few seconds where the wheel begins to accelerate. you lean forward when you try to accelerate when skating normally, try to stop for a moment and consider more than just "remote control car physics" and consider human weight shifting as part of this system and you can see how this would work. we're not moving a drive shaft either it's closer to the way a light-rail moves, just moving the wheels this way. its possible to sew the boot at home and you can buy shoe soles and insoles, generic buckles, zippers, what have you online or in a joannes store to make the shoe it's self appear and feel the way you want. however, I would have to have an expensive machine and cad program to make the containment unit for the battery, wire accelerator and brake casing I don't have a resource to make. a friend pointed out I could probably cut a fender for the wheels from some other plastic object, and then paint it. but even that wouldn't be the best idea because there's no way to secure it very well to the boot. there's also in my design a side button that slides a lock at the bottom of the shoe so it can separate from the casing, I could make it from metal strips, but it wouldn't last as long as having someone manufacture the part out of Mylar or steel. also plastic makes for a sturdier casing for parts then leather in some areas, and although fiberglass might look the same, it is tricky to work with and is less comfortable in the inside. so, it's either fiberglass or I find someone to mold plastic parts for me somehow.... the concerns are weight and strength, we don't want these things to break after every ride especially in areas such as the wheel box in the back where the battery, rubber break, rear wheel (both could be magnetized but considering earlier statements I figure this is the best place to supply full concentrated charge to). If it makes you all feel better I suggest you do this first, get the battery you need, wire it to the sustain petal you will need for an accelerator, wire that to a small motor made like in childrens science kits using AAA batteries like magnets. then get an voltmeter and record the data of this experiment. also get a small speedometer somehow to measure the speed at which the motor is spinning. next get a small magnet with two poles, attach it to a standard rollerskating wheel and place that within the electric engine you built instead. record the data again. make now a smaller version of this motor using a curved semi circle of copper plate and back one side with rubber, attach to either end the positive and negative ends of the circuit and build your motor box this way. even if your speedometer cant match the required speed (as thankfully worked out in a previous post, seriously thank you for this!) make a video, take pictures of your dinky electro-magnetic motor and your data. use these as your research to take to some company who manufactures electric appliance motors so they can suggest ways to improve this motor to bring it to its full operation and full speed. also post this data here for sure, obviously. consider this like an extra credit science project before your final (a race to build the best and functional AT's possible) even if your project fails, report it anyways, you learn from mistakes. Thomas Edison failed how many times at making the light-bulb?(google it haha) that way we can use this forum as a way to assess what to do or not do and work back and fourth, the more people the less time this will take, if your all on the ball with me here we should have this info what? in a month or two? someone builds their working AT's before this fall? I don't want to make this sound like a push over, you will have to do the homework for it, but I'm saying this isn't rocket science, it's not even college level algebra... its easier, no functions or graphing just trying to match your results to the needed horsepower, just takes some pocket cash, time, colaboration (our possibly biggest obstacle as introverts harharhar), Google, workspace, and diligence, mostly diligence. after we get the motors running properly and at he right size, THEN! we can worry about how to bundle it in a casing without it being a fire hazard (the real hard part) why am I not doing this? because I'm a full time art student with overdue math homework, excessive amounts of reading, tendinitis right now and typed this with my left hand (right handed). dodging carpal tunnel like the plague. so yes I will join you in this experiment, later, when I'm done with my homework, and my hand heals, and I get done with my build up of art commissions (a hand carved mask, an album cover, comic strips, custom tail commissions, and a character drawing still long overdue, yikes) goodnight everybody, hope to hear back from you. how to make your motor? understand the concept of this video>> >>and your almost ready, just replace these alligator cable clips with something able to carry the amps (or volts if your really that dedicated @_@') you will be supplying your electric motor with. aka the wheel, accelerator and breaks work as individual cut switches, it's just that simple. be realistic get the parts you intend to use in your At's eventually. the whole setup can be externalized (wires and battery rest outside the skate and the only modified part would be the magnetic coil, or magnets in the wheels and the copper plating in the inside of the wheel casing close as possible to the coil or magnet system you make on the wheels (or just rear wheel) poke a hole in the shoe maybe and insert the sustain petal inside and pull the chord out, little things like that. they're really just words that are hard to pronounce, not complicated to understand. later, if you feel more confident, step away from the duct tape and dental floss and make your dream ATs. btw I was not the one that posted the picture you referred to, just knew the answer, yet again thank you IwillDoTheImpossibl3. also thank you Eyvind for doing everyone's math homework here that was nice! thankyouthankyouthankyou!!! the magic number you'll be looking for is 160 horse power which translated is approximately 111 kilowatts of electricity moving smoothly through the motor if I'm correct. correct me if I'm wrong! ps: I had no idea what I was talking about earlier about volts, here's an explanation from http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_kw_make_an_amp: The amount of watts (or thousands of watts, Kw) is a function of current (amps) and voltage. There are no watts in an amp, they are totally different units of measure. P = I * V Where P is for watts, I is for current (amps), and V is for volts. If you have one thousand watts (1Kw) and one amp, then there are one thousand volts (1Kv). In a North American household, where the voltage is set at 120v, then something drawing two amps at 120 volts is considered to be 240 watts (2A * 120V = 240W). there now I feel like less of a derp sorry
Twintale started following Air Trecks
dear captain panic, I respect this approach and purposely surround myself with people to poke holes in my theories, but I think you've got one part wrong: that this isn't the place for this kind of subject. This is not a novelty venture, there is real science behind it and I am trying to do my best to cooperate with those interested in that aspect. honestly the idea of creating an involved, simplified, form of transportation (heck, it would be useful as a college student getting around campus) that gets people back outdoors is an altogether great idea. please don't be a fun kill either, it's all about improving life right? or are you part of the quest for knowledge group. sorry no sympathy there, I find it pointless. If you waste your life on wonder-lust, and ask others to do the same, what's the point of learning anything. have some fun with it, in fact most successful inventors and great scientists do exactly that, and it works. If your against that, I recommend either someone else run the forum, or we start another competing one with more diligence. I don't like being told to be lazy about applying ideas it's counter intuitive and not even scientific.
something I came up with with highlighters and graphic pen, would love to make these. I know this isn't an art forum , but I did design these with material/function/aerodynamics in mind. the striped regions are cushions of memory foam in waterproof casings, the three latch looking things on the side are just that, as well as a locking mechanism in the center, that allows the at battery, base detach. for regular shoes. just an idea I thought would work, and I thought, until the in-wheel motors get tougher, about using aggressive scaring wheels with better grip until stronger bases can be designed, preferably out of steel not plastic or tin. the wheels, like in the show would be super expensive. I also thought making them detachable would make them easier to work on for customization, as this makes the batter pack in the heel easier to access. these are what I would build or buy if I could. I reserve the rights to this work if anyone wants to use the design (that is the above image, not the idea of air-trecks, not to confuse anyone), but if your willing to build them I can give an alternate design if you let me have this one exclusively, and a free pair ... yeah... please?
Allen, otherwise know as Twin-tale, here and on deviant-art. My first career choice as a kid was to be a prototype designer, but I later decided I liked the tinkering and imaginative aspects of it more then the actual math and science, although I still enjoy that and respect it highly, so I decided to take up a career as an artist instead. I like to write anything from deep theological fiction, to science fiction. grew up with my two favorite authors being tied between Isaac Asimov, and C.S. Lewis, so I think you can understand from that maybe where I'm coming from. Growing up I also suffered from mental loops tied to an internal OCD, tied to Aspergers Syndrome. Basically I have "can't stop thinking because I can't find the off switch" disorder, and all the responsibility and internal strife that comes with it. So naturally when I'm not having elevated discussions with pastors, writers, philosophers, and artists, finding a natural cure for common autism, ADD, and Altimeters, perfecting my own recovery, which is going fantastically...(yeah a lot for one sentence I'm a polymath I apologize before hand) I'm studying theoretical physics, nano science, thermal-dynamics, psychokinesis in relation to studies on color theory, and anything else I can get my knowledge happy hands on. I actually joined since I saw a comment thread I had a helpful hint on and wasn't able to share. I'm by nature a futurist, so if I but heads it's only because I care. If you tell me something about quit while I'm ahead, I'll take all your reasons into consideration, I won't just ignore you, but if your reasons prove to be irrelevant to practicality by my own means, I'm not afraid to say so. you can catch my artwork here: http://twintale.deviantart.com/ and all my books are in adjustment for the time being and won't be republished for a while, being realistic, probably not for another two years or so. As for my self cure, I'll let you all know how I function after the detox I have scheduled during the next college semester. Most people don't even notice anymore that I have the disorder: I look people in the eye, am very optimistic (annihilated my depression), got all A's and B's last semester taking five courses a day, have more friends then I can keep up with (nearly figured out and reversed my social-phobia) , sold an original painting, sold an album cover, can walk on my hands (helps beat hyperactive stress dissorder, still waiting on the detox+ other things in the works) and all of this without a single bit of medication for over four years now. I use to be a drooling, depressed, near-suicidal, easily shaken, light sensitive, unsociable, drone of a kid back in high school on medication, and afraid of the dark, but now I'm a self motivated, academician with one semester left to get an AA in art. realism=matter, but optimism= motion. that's my philosophy on practical science and skepticism. They get along just fine. oh I forgot to mention, I'm also a 6ft tall male humanoid with blue eyes and crooked jagged teeth who wears a paint stained lab-coat, and sometimes a tail because I make them for spare cash. I wanted one, so I made one, and others want some, so I made more. I think if I became an engineer instead I'd be doing the same. yes, the typical rule breaking mad scientist, and I don't plan on being bought off so don't try it. I'm having a friend rig lights in a tail as we speak... what's this? plans for the future using door sensors to make miniaturized prosthetic moving parts for cheap in costume rigging? shhhhh... you weren't suppose to tell anybody part of me that likes to say thoughts out-loud, and quit rambling you might annoy someone! Goodnight everyone ^^ "the lord is not malicious" same lol. don't get feedback from a magazine anyways.
I believe not, atleast for some of these people they either gave up, were bought off, were joking, left to enjoy their new air treks, or are hiding it as a trade secret. all of these are possible and probable outcomes in my opinion, yet again another plausible device with no tangible proof of success for the whole world or atleast here on a related forum. sad. If I make a pair I'll probably show pictures but if I can mass produce them I won't share info on parts and suppliers, no offense it's just good money is scarce these days, atleast till I establish a running, I don't want to monopolize them, after that point I'll get bored of my own design and want to see more, and not being stingy of course I'd come here and spill my guts about everything no matter how hard anyone begs. besides it's just one idea and I'm not the creator of it. and even further more, this is all just hypothetical, I'm an artist more then a theoretical engineer, I just really like the idea and would like to see someone else give it a try. so here's what I'm getting, just summarizing the project (the comments on four pages here): the anime diagram is practically useless at explaining everything (and actually watching the anime, noticed it's not even operational in it's diagram) but the manga diagram, listed in the comments makes perfect sense and is creatable. although for all these "I called it first, don't take my idea" let me remind you it's not your "idea" somebody, probably the animator, already has a patent on the design, or someone else does, and any modifications of that design. so just stop please it's getting annoying your nothing big, make it and don't get sued, post it here, and I'll eat my words. I don't mean that as an insult, just stating the facts, people need to quit boasting about things rather then doing them, it's bad science and it's killing our economy as of present around the world. next point, there was a comment stating exactly what I've been thinking when I read the other comments about how it would have to be huge and heavy to be usable and nothing like the anime, they are thinking only in external motors, and or maximum torque, to get you to work and back sort of thing. That's not the intended purpose here, although that would be cool in the future, just starting small with roller-blades that get higher jumps, and faster speeds, not requiring one to exert unreasonable amounts of effort. honestly the idea its self reeks of laziness if subtracting the idea that extra exerted force, undulation, and skating patterns (as suggested in parts of the show) generate faster speeds. regardless on both ends of the spectrum I think we can establish a common set of goals: Get a person up to atleast average comfortable cruising speed while rollerblading without accelerating much and get to a good downhill acceleration speed by accelerating, break whilst leaning back, and make a way to increase speed by added effort on the person themselves. (I know some want to try this, but as another said before, trying to maintain identical speeds on two roller blades is tricky and near impossible, however if you are willing to go that fast in the first place, you probably can use an anti locking mechanism to make sure that one shoe can carry the other and visa versa, so they always travel at the same speed even if they aren't both receiving the same amount of power. this is important because you don't want to end up doing the splits when taking off at a higher speed. that is if there is a way for these to handle that speed. think about a skater going downhill, even without power, wheels aren't always perfectly identical and shifting a food back, or trying to race downhill makes it difficult, but not impossible. as with anything if you can't do tricks on the normal thing, you shouldn't try to do them on a more dangerous motorized version.) Be able to be compact, reasonable and not heavy to lug around. will require some muscle as the show suggests obviously, and you better have muscle to go at higher speeds. trying to stop, will require more force and finesse as you increase speed obviously and week legs or knees or hips won't be able to handle that, motorized or not. as far as the air-cushion goes, I don't know enough about this to give legitimate scientific advice, but if I recall I heard regular-inflatable ones can be replaced.... by compact memory-foam? not sure if that's right but that's just what I remember learning. I also know memory foam changes states by temperature and is said to deteriorate in certain conditions so I would say if it's going to be used at all for this use industrial strength, and change it every so often for safety. yet again, not professional advice, just an incomplete idea I just had. if anyone has a better suggestion for a stronger yet more compact air cushion, please add to this. I've heard the same thing said more then once about internal motorized wheels, that they just aren't practical yet. I think that is a project in it's self to be discussed in another blog, not this one, but this project working might be dependent on it. I don't like the idea of a spring operated one, it requires a larger motor on the shoe it's self right? that doesn't fit the weight, power or compactness features that are significant to the design and make it bulky and not aesthetically pleasing. "prototype-worthy" for testing the concept of how they would ride? absolutely! but then your stuck with just an unsatisfying eyesore of a prototype you wont get media attention from for long, or sales. As an artists opinion on the market right now, trying to be the mad scientist and have the actual finished project is worth it, don't build Rome in a day, but paint the Sistine chapel atleast in 24 hours. near impossible? absolutely but what is it worth to you? unfortunately for some stupid reason, rich people aren't smart and interested in this, or it would be done by now. rich people never are with anything, just by experience. it's a miracle when something like this gets done, and it's usually some poor person, put against ridiculously unfair odds, thinking of the project before his self interest. It's a historical recurrence. Last a good amount of time. as much as it isn't like the anime to lug around a good sized battery pack, advanced skaters or scenic cruisers, may want to just because it would be nice to ride for longer, It looks like one would have to use lithium cells like those used in electric cars for maximum compactness, but I could be wrong here. yet again not an expert just a tinkerer with friends that can tinker with electronics. motion just wont generate enough electricity to keep you going, and perpetual motion wont do it, but it does have an alternate use I like: speeding up the air gears. like I said before, it adds to the challenge and means you aren't stuck in cruising speed or coasting, plus you can speed up based on your own ability and not that of the power cells. carry the battery for charging them for run time and you can have a great productive and fun time with them. Have a professional designer as a friend, and someone capable of coloring and making plastic mold castings. I'm not that person so it does no good for me, but it does for you. seriously, you want it to feel like the anime, it's going to be atleast 30% to 40% looks to put it on the market. not only that but "fitting parts" add to precision, jamming two things together just to see it works just doesn't cut it anymore. might cause an electrical fire, or hurt yourself, and be free, but it won't satisfy you and you might give up easier, and it definitely wont satisfy anyone looking to buy a pair. "seeing" your design come to life is part of the drive that keeps an inventor interested and working on their product and more likely to create more of them, create jobs, and stimulate the economy. besides that, lets admit it, who doesn't want to look nice wearing a pair of legitimate air treks? I like shiny things, I'll wait. I think that's all of it and all I have to offer. check out the rest of the posts for more. just begging, please put this on the market in California if you can? or ebay? I'm begging you.