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Everything posted by brokenbin

  1. sure time exists, isn't time the fourth dimension? and according to the theory of relativity, if (and i must italicize the if here) anything can travel faster than the speed of light, it would be traveling through time. Well, of course, no one has really proven this theory yet, but time still exists, although it is much more abstract than anything we know, such as the volume of a cup or the weight of a baseball. Wouldn't time still go on without human?
  2. 1. to test for water, or water vapour, use cobalt chloride paper, which turns pink in the presense of water. anything can have vapour, such as alcohol, and it is not water. electrolysis just in accurate, you'd never know what gas you have produced. 2. no idea
  3. brokenbin


    the speed of light is constant, but if there is enough gravity, such as near a blackhole, light can be bent, but bending it does not mean that the speed is changed, it's just like going in a tunnel. light can be bent in an optical fiber, but it does not get slowed down. the only time it does get slow down is when it is passing through an object with density higher than vaccum, such as water, or air, but even that is by a fraction of a fraction of it's speed, which does not really matter.
  4. Except 0 divided by 0, which would be either 0 or 1, unsure because. x/x always equals to one, but when the denominator is 0, i have no idea.
  5. I think that any number divide by zero would equal to infinite. Here is how I think about it. Becaue of time dialation, light travels from one place to the other without taking anytime. So the speed of light would be C=x/0. Although the light speed as we know it is 300000 km/s, it is infinite due to time dialation. Therefore everything divided by zero would be zero. It sort of make sense.
  6. brokenbin


    I think that infinity do exist, just think about it, there is always things bigger and more massive than the next. If you think otherwise, pray give me a example of infinity.
  7. Hey people, check this site out: http://www.public.asu.edu/~jpbirk/ CHM-115_BLB/Chpt20/sld107.htm it tells you how to electrolyse NaCl
  8. It wouldn't work because then the electrolysis result would be sodium ion rather than sodium metal. The only way to do is, accroding to my science book, heat NaCl up until it melts, and then apply electricity to it. Then there would be melted sodium in one side and clorine gas in the other. By the way, you can electrolyse water and NaCl by using a very strong megnet, such as a megnet from a computer hard drive.
  9. well, you probably used sodium chloride as electrolyde to made water a conductor. So, when you electrolyse the water, sodium ions comes together with the two electrolites, paper clips for example. The actual substance which turns the water yellow is cloride ions.
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