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Everything posted by nickp

  1. Thanks for the links. I am trying to develop the most optimal air intake system for a drag bike. If I can improve engine performance using a re-engineered air intake system then I am confident it will have implications on the teams goal - to finish quarter of a mile as quickly as possible! We have gone as far as we can with the engine and running gear, so just trying to squeeze some more out of what we have.
  2. Thanks for your feedback. I think I need to research heat syncs next....
  3. Many thanks for your reply. Do you think adding groves (either straight or in some sort of turbine form) such as those in a gun barrel would help to alleviate temperature build up from friction? I appreciate they are used for adding spin to a bullet to aid accuracy. Just wondering what effect they may have on air flow - perhaps they would speed it up?
  4. Hi I have a question regarding the RAM Air effect on an automotive engine, and whether this can be improved by engineering a better solution. Currently, the air intakes I have seen tend to have a smooth finish on the inside. I am wondering whether changing this smooth finish to something that increases speed/flow (if this is possible) of the air will have an improved effect on RAM Air. Do any engineers out there think that by changing the internal profile of air intakes it would be possible to improve air flow and therefore increase horsepower from improved RAM Air effect? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Nick
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