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Lepton (1/13)



  1. At the time of conception, I was taking a stimulant and L-Arginine that helps with blood flow. (Almost how viagra would work.) The stimulant was called Jack3d. Is it possible that the stimulant or the Arginine supplement (high dose) could have made my "swimmers" more effective or swim farther? The stimulant and the arginine really had a false energy feeling. In your professional opinion, is this possible?
  2. I have seen genetic counseling already and there really hasn't been much that they can tell me. They say that things happen like this all the time. But, I think there is a reason why. My wife is totally healthy and I was the only one putting chemicals in my body. Isn't it possible that guys can indeed contribute to birth defects to a child? Maybe there just isn't enough research on this topic.
  3. You have put my mind at ease a little. Thank you. Although, I don't want to just "feel good". I would like to know the truth. Anyone else have anymore info? Also, when the baby is born...is there tests that they can run to see if this was the cause?
  4. Okay, thank you. Here is my scenerio: I was taking a preworkout supplement before I went to the gym, on and off for about a year. (Stupid, I know) The supplement name was called Jack3d, but the ingredient that I am worried about is called: 1,3 dimethylamylamine. Also called, DMAA, Methylhexanamine, forthan, forthane, floradrene, geranamine. This supplement also had a little caffeine in it. It was a bad choice, and I will never take it again. My wife is now 19 weeks pregnant and the fetus is showing many birth defects/abnormalities. Do you think that I could have caused these birth defects since I took this supplement all the way up to conceiving our child? Any useful thoughts/feedback would be great. Thank you.
  5. Okay, thank you. Here is my scenerio: I was taking a preworkout supplement before I went to the gym, on and off for about a year. (Stupid, I know) The supplement name was called Jack3d, but the ingredient that I am worried about is called: 1,3 dimethylamylamine. Also called, DMAA, Methylhexanamine, forthan, forthane, floradrene, geranamine. This supplement also had a little caffeine in it. It was a bad choice, and I will never take it again. My wife is now 19 weeks pregnant and the fetus is showing many birth defects/abnormalities. Do you think that I could have caused these birth defects since I took this supplement all the way up to conceiving our child? Any useful thoughts/feedback would be great. Thank you.
  6. Hi, I want to post a question to get other members opinions. It is a drug found in sports supplements. I am wondering if it caused birth defects in my unborn child that is showing many problems/abnormalities. Where do you think I should post this question? Thank you.
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