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  1. post edited with all relevant that was provided to me, there is no Ksp for Na3PO4 as it is very soluble
  2. Here is the problem: 50.00 mL of an aqueous solution which is 0.0525 M in sodium phosphate is titrated with an aqueous solution which is 0.100 M in ferrous chloride. Calculate the solubility of ferrous phosphate when enough titrant has been added to be one milliliter past the equivalence point of the titration. info: Iron(II) phosphate Ksp=1.0 x 10^-36 Iron(III) phosphate Ksp=4.0 x 10^-27 can someone help me get started with this? i am completely lost
  3. well if that doesnt work could you help me find out what does? correct me if im wrong but isnt bleach noting more than NaOCl dissolved in water
  4. its aqueous NaOCl (bleach) and its a 6% concentrated solution
  5. so im writing up a pre-lab for class and we have to find the mmol of various compound and i always get stuck when the measurement of compounds are in mL i have NaOCl (sodium hypochlorite) the FW is 77.44 g/mol and density is 1.083 g/mL..... we are using 18 mL of it. can someone help me out???? P.S. the experiment is the oxidation of borneol to camphor
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