Understood, but what do elements 110 through 114 have on the periodic table? I weas just wondering about this one (110 - 114) because my science teacher says that sometimes periodic tables dont have those elements? And their names are really close to being the same, whats the relation?
What do the brackets represent on the atomic masses on the periodic table?
Whats the relationship between the elements 110 through 114 on the periodic table?
Doom as a game was greas I thought, and apparently so did thousands of others who signed the petition.. and these guys who created a bunch of characters with their 'twisted' minds have started quite an era of video games that are out there today
no haha im not 4 years old im mid teens, and i live on the east coast of Canada. Ive seen some commercials about Bell mobility having some high speed capabilities, what do some think of this or do you know of any feedback from Bell users?
I have had dial-up for a loong time now. I have lived with it and have had enough.. Now , the only reason i still have dial up is that i am unable to get highspeed or dsl or broadband because of where i live. Ive looked around but havent had much luck with programs to make my connection faster..
any help anyone?
Hopefully. It did a nice job of screwing up all of the young Euro players who's jobs are being taken by the NHL players. They're getting screwed over. Alot of people in Europe are. (the players i mean) All these young players that have a chance to play in the show and they aren't even getting any icetime because of all these NHL players taking their places. It's a crucial time and not getting any icetime or exposure will definately hurt them...
lol, leafs havent won shit since like 67 cdawg lol If I were in the NHL I'd play for 70 grand a year, cuz they pay for everything else. No gear to pay for, no travel ect..
Yeah, I know what you mean. Sure Doom is uncomplicated have you played Doom3? As repetitive as it may get, isn't it still a rush to walk into a dark room, not knowing what's there to jump you and start gnawing away? Maybe it's just me or maybe I'm closed minded but I Like Doom. As for the army ops, tactical is ok, <b> sometimes </b> Splinter Cell was a good one, but back to the point...
I play the good old guitar. I got one for Christmas last year, so obviously I have only been playing for a year. Like sepultallica, I've only learned from tab so far. Gonna take lessons soon though. I like the Metallica and Iron Maiden. Also, on the bluesy side Lynyrd Skynyrd and Creed are a great group too. Technique is annoying, develop your own style. As long as you can play isn't that all matters? lol
What do some people have to say about this?
I myself, being a hockey player, think it's brutal. I don't know every little detail, but to a 15 year old it seems that the players are whining about more money even though they're getting paid hundreds of thousands of dolloars every year just to play a game that they love! Seems ridiculous to me, but like I said I don't know the other smaller details. Less tax to pay from what I can see.
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