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Everything posted by Fellowes

  1. Cap'n you said something about making BASIC programs and stuff with some friends right? Where'd you learn to program stuff like that, I think it awesome to be able to make simple programs to suit your own needs or the needs of others. Plus if you get good at it you could makes ome money some day.
  2. Shame to us!!!! Why do you say that. Id Software are legendary in the gaming industry. They came out with a Dos first person shooter game a decade ago! They have the experience and backround, I'd like to the Halo creators compete with that. Have you played Doom3 5614?
  3. Why? We got this man don't worry.
  4. Ok. I have encountered a problem with just a test site. I donwloaded a skin for a website and am using http://www.freeservers.com as my free web host. Now, I used TheFreeHTMLEditor and it can't connect to the server to upload my site. Should I try a different program and try the ftp there or how the !@#$ can I get my site uploaded?
  5. So you recommend a Psion of some sort YT? I guess what I want is an iPod but they don't even sell them round where I live.
  6. I started this thread because I have been doing some research on a lot of different PDAs and different handheld computers. I really like the Mac iPods even though it is not technically a nahdheld computer. I have found that Mac only ships to U.S. and that really pisses me off. But anyways I was wondering what type of PDA or handheld some people would reccomend with these features: Task List, Pocket Word, Internet Browser, E-mail, mp3 capability, good amount of max memory, color screen,pocket excel,calender,world clock or just normal clock and alarm,no less then 8 hours of average battery life,contact list and decent processor. Thats about it for now until I think of some more things. Price doesn't matter right now just looking for some suggestions. Anything's helpful. Thanks, Fellowes.
  7. Ok thx. Trying to learn some html right now sayo but I wanna try a skin and just see how things work out first.
  8. I know what a walkthrough is but I just thought I would ask since bloohound is alreay past there. Plus I have already looked for a walkthrough and none of them are completed yet.
  9. Yeah I'm actually learning sourece code right now from a tutorial, but I think I will have to learn some of the more complicated stuff like adding javascripts and all that somewhere else. I might give that site a try.
  10. Hahaha yeah lol. I just gave my input on what I got out of you two's explanation of what 'teleportation' is. That's all.
  11. Know what Web Page Maker is? Ever hear of it. Download it and see. It's not that hard to do it's basically a drag-and-drop HTML editor. Really easy to use. I know it's far from all the complicated HTML and javascript but it looks good when you see the completed results.
  12. I know there are extensions on free hosting and stuff I have already used 741.com as a free host site. Another user KHnifcube22 used a forum skin, and our site might not have a forum on it just yet, it might jsut be a cool site thats all. After awhile when I learn abit more I might look into somemore complicated stuff.
  13. Where'd you get that skin form then KHinfcube22? The forum one I mean. And did you just edit it up how you wanted it look?
  14. In Doom3 how the balls do you get past the teleporting crap!?!? It's pissing me off!!
  15. I will start some some rough work and send it to you and you can add on whatever you think fiits and send it back etc etc.
  16. Yeah books or games I think we should make it as. Or both books and games. What ever you want ( I preferrably if we had to pick just one would probably pick books just to let ya know). Well I'm going to look around for some freeware to help get this started. I will make some copies and then I could e-mail them to you or you could get whatever freeware I get and when we get going make the animations and stuff and we can send our 'drafts' back and forth if you know what I mean?
  17. YT? I have some questions on creating a website. I was wondering if you would go to my thread in General Discussion, it's called 'DreamLord and Cap'n Website'
  18. Games and stuff too. Those are good ideas. I think I'm gonna have to go with the Sci-Fi or fantasy genre though what about you?
  19. Yes I like Sci-Fi and Fantasy is cool too. I think that movies or books would be a great one. Books I think are up there in my books only because there aren't many 'book related' sites out there. And if it were about books then it wouuld also be civilized because there wouldn't be or at least there's probably not going to be people there who are going to be causing trouble, know what I mean. I like the books idea. We could have book links and forums and discussions on books and polls and stuff like that if we can fit it. Good Idea.
  20. I also meant to ask ya, do you have msn or anything like that?
  21. OK. Well it's just a site that is going to have forums it's gonna have other stuff too like cool links and cool stuff and some kind of theme to it. /Forums are a must though\ Need a cool theme. Like anything, sports, movies, music^, whatever.
  22. Brainstorming about it. I don't know I just wanna have something cool and something that people will want to join or come to.
  23. This is the thread that I have started to discuss the idea or a website and if you guys really wanna help me make one and get it up and operating and stuff. Right now it's just brainstorming ideas but later on I can put them on paper and get things rolling.
  24. Yes well I have just started brainstorming things but we could start a new thread in General Discussion and talk more about just it. Any ideas pitch in, like a theme or something. OK?
  25. Yeah lol good idea
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