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Everything posted by Fellowes

  1. Hahahah an hour?! What the hell is EQ anyway? Is it that old quest game or something?
  2. hahahah what a very graphic convorsation
  3. Yeah I know but did I get my point through that Doom3 is a good game? Anyway fine enough about Doom3.......I have p[layed Diablo 2 as well and I didn't like it very much....As for Neverwinter Nights, not a bad game, I sold it for credit to buy Doom3 though lol
  4. Well I dunno about tomshardware. but I think that it is a great game,,,, have you ever played it on a worthy machine?
  5. Cool, yeah I agree with you. I would really like to know if there is any sciencetists out there who would explain it to me the real explantaion (I agree with yours too DreamLord) behind dreams. Thanks for your opinion though DreamLord.
  6. You go to the Forum Index tab at the top of the page and then go to the Forum Index and then when your there you pick a Topic. Can be whatever you want.Go into the topic of your choice and then at the top of the page there should be a button that says Start New Thread. Thats it......Hope it Helps! Don't worry I'm a newb too!
  7. You make a Thread not a forum. Isn't that right Sayo. By the way Sayo, I was reading your discussion on teleportaton and your 'argument' with 5614 lol. I think that it is very interesting. I made a post there but I think I made a fool of myself.
  8. I've started this thread for exactly what the title says. If someone can explain to me how our brain determines which dreams to have then please by all means do it. When I say 'which dreams to have' I mean I know that our everday lives determine what we dream and that our dreams are usually about something that is of concern to us, but how does our brain decide which areas of our life are most important or which areas of our life that we are having struggles or problems in and then make a dream about that particular problem or situation to try to arouse our conscience mind or brain to do something about it? Or to simply change. I have no clue. That's why I'm asking. Any help would be great. I've always been curious about dreams........
  9. Like the title says: This is a thread for newbs who can come here and discuss 'Anything and Everything'! Have a good time. If anyone knows much about the Teleportation theories and whatever let me know in this thread! Peace.........
  10. Hey everyone! I'm Fellowes. That's not my real name of course(it came off of a computer monitor!) I am not even in high school yet! I find Biology to be the most interesting field, Marine especially! Oh uh and Doom3 Rocks! Peace..........
  11. Doom does not suck one bit Lance! Have you played it? its crazy? best shooter game on the market!!!
  12. Okay, now I am new to this thread and only read it (the whole thing, including the 'argument') because it looked interesting. Now I am no scientist but from what I see they both have good points. It seems to me like its just making a copy of somethings 'properties' or 'data' somewhere else not actually phyiscally moving the object like the stereotypical person would think when they hear the word teleport. It seems to me like it is like what 5614 said(at least I think it was 5614), it is like sending a fax. When you send a fax the data on the original paper is only being copied yet it is being sent halfway around the world. The copy that is sent halfway around the world is still NOT the acutal original itself. So to me (a stereotypical person) it is not actually teleporting anything at all. The object to be teleported is not actually physically moved, it is copied. I think of it as burning a CD. You can take the original songs off of an original CD and put their properties temporarily on your computer, to later be put somewhere onto another blank CD. The result is two CDs, identical in Data and properties but actually two different physical things with one being the original and the other just a clone.So far from what I have read nothing has actually been really 'teleported', just copied and sent to somewhere else. It is going to be a long time before they can successfully teleport one thing, the whole thing, it's properties AND its physical self and state from one location to another. Remember that while my thread is still far from actually being correct to a stereotypical person that is what my view is of teleportation. Remember that I am not even in high school yet so have mercy. Help me, don't destroy me. Thanks.
  13. Doom3 is the best game ever made! Awesome!
  14. Doom3 is much more than just a graphics demo. It gave me a feeling I have never experienced the first time I ever played it. It such a suspenseful game. Every time you enter a room it's so scary. It is a very dark game which also adds to the excitement of not knowing when something is going to pop out and start clawing your face. The sound and lighting is exceptional in Doom3. The lighting creates such a scary real life environment. The sounds are also very disturbing. Those voices in the really dark rooms are very scary so I find anyway. Your surroundings through-out Doom3 are also awesome. The blood on the walls and the sounds and the graphics engine that Id uses makes almost any object in the game moveable. The cinematics could maybe use some better graphics but the way they are presented are just like a movie. Every time you meet a new monster (mostly only the bigger ones) there is an awesome cinematic so you know whats coming. In all its HATS OFF to Id Software and Activision for this 'Masterpiece of the art Form'. The only downsides i have come across with Doom3 so far is that the system requirements are asking alot of your machine and the fact that multiplayer will only run on a Broadband connection or higher. I run Doom3 on my mahcine at the lwoest settings for better performance when I could most likely use two settings higher. You don't need a super-machine to run Doom3 (although it does help ) I was also wondering how far some people are in the game. I am only to the lower level Delta Labs but I could still maybe help out with before that. I also know how to defeat the Cyberdemon at the end of the game if anyone wants to know. I'm no SuperDoomer but I like to help people. lol One more thing. I was wondering if anyone here plays Iron Storm? Well that's all for me for now. Reply as much as possible please. I want an interesting thread. Thanks everyone.
  15. Doom3
  16. I agree with YT2095, H.G. Wells books are very good. (by the way admiral ju00 Camaros suck ass) By the way I'm new here. Don't Shoot!
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