Hi SF,
I can understand the concept of App Indexing. However, I don't get the fact on HTTP standard used for the links.
All the indexed pages of the app seem to work with HTTP standard. Now assume a payment app, where HTTPS is the standard, is it possible to deep link a page of the app with HTTPS standard?
My next query is, I purchase something on diy ecommerce site and at checkout I choose to pay with paypal. The traditional method is using paypal api which redirects me to a seperate page to complete my payments.
Is the same payment process possible with deeplinking/app indexing?
AS an example, say at checkout on the diy ecommerce app installed on my phone, I choose to pay with paypal and the diy ecommerce app links me to payment page on paypal app which I have already installed on my phone. So is this possible?
How are the payment details for my checkout
- what to pay,
- Invoice number for remarks and other payment infos) is transferred to the indexed page on paypal app.
How safe is payment experience with app indexing vs APIs?
Just curious about app indexing and payments stuff. I believe someone can help me calrify my doubts