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Everything posted by fuhrerkeebs

  1. The masses cancel out.
  2. Find the velocity you need to get Jane and Tarzan safely to the cliff, and use the conservation of momentum. Just set (Mass of Tarzan + Mass of Jane)*(velocity needed to get safely to the cliff) = (Mass of Tarzan)*(velocity before impact), and solve for velocity before impact.
  3. Why not?
  4. A long chain of events led to my liking of science: Videogame addiction -> interest in programming -> interest in math -> interest in science (mainly physics, bio., and psych.)
  5. It depends on how long you've used it and why you use it. If you just smoke it every weekend or so when you're watching a baseball game with your buddies, then there is really no risk. But, if you often use it to relieve the stress of work, it can be very hard to get off of. This is because you've relied on it to help you for so long it would be like taking crutches away from a crippled kid. However, alcohol addiction is far, far worse.
  6. You can't be physically addicted to marijuana, but you can be psychologically addicted. Of course, people can also be psychologically addicted to TV.
  7. My school spends a little more than a whole marking period on evolution and natural origins.
  8. What!? I love Schaum's...
  9. Are you talking about integral calc? Just go with Schaum's...
  10. Not true. A few states now require stickers in biology textbooks that warn against the theory of evolution or require ID to be taught along with evolution, but it is still taught. Hell, about 1/3 of the AP Bio. exam is on evolution...you either need it to be taught or your school can expect very bad AP scores...
  11. 40+Frictional force=6*5, Frictional Force=10. N=g*5~49. 49*coef. of friction=10, coef. of friction~.204.
  12. Ahhhh, one of a kind.
  13. Because it can be carried and passed down without making the carrier homosexual.
  14. But that's not quite the idea behind punctuated equilibrium. Punctuated equilibrium is sort of like natural selection at the species level, and what happens is a very long period of very small genetic variation, and then a period of very great change. You've described it as more of continual period of great change.
  15. No: http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-ph/pdf/0111/0111302.pdf
  16. Actually the integral would be y=mxn+1/(n+1)+b
  17. Can God be explained by an act of God? How improbable is it? Have you looked at the sky lately? Not exactly. Mutations are random, but natural selection isn't, and natural selection plays a very large role is speciation. We can explain mutations without God: http://gslc.genetics.utah.edu/units/disorders/sloozeworm/mutationbg.cfm
  18. 1. Homework 2. I'm not allowed to sleep 3. Stupid teachers 4. If you don't do work, your grades are shot 5. Homework 6. Homework 7. Homework ... 10. I think I said homework Eh, High school sucks. However, I love the community college...they don't force you to show up for class, and most of the homework is optional!
  19. 1. 2nd. F=ma is formulated by saying that a=kF/m, and in SI units k is set to 1. 2. The object is going up the slope, not down.
  20. 1. 2nd. F=ma is formulated by saying that a=kF/m, and in SI units k is set to 1. 2. The object is going up the slope, not down.
  21. Nothing...Descartes was the first to merge Euclidean geometry and algebra
  22. Nothing...Descartes was the first to merge Euclidean geometry and algebra
  23. Or, if you have a range where you think the solution will be, you could just approximate numerically with a do/until loop. Or, if you don't have a range, you could use determinants (may be a little hard if you want a programmable algorithm...though I've never actually tried to program it). Or, you could just use matrices (the famous AX=B ).
  24. We don't know yet, we have to wait for a good, reliable theory of quantum gravity.
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