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Everything posted by Thales

  1. Does anyone have a link to how to calculate the amount of hydrogen plants make as a by-product of photo synthesis? Either that or which plant is the most efficient at this?
  2. Logic will only get you so far. I suggest you research some special relativity before you get too attached to the idea...
  3. Good point, its not exactly like you can 'inject' matter with the 'right type of energy' and have it dsiappear from space time. However your reasoning shows promise, but in terms of real world physics you would need a lot of mathematical reasoning to show; firstly that the property of inertia is reliant on space time, and secondly that the 'right kind of energy' will indeed 'push' space-time out of the matter, without, as Callipygous pointed out, destroying the matter itself.
  4. Which is crueler; Destorying an unborn embrio or Bringing a human into the world when it is unwanted or cannot be properly nutured?
  5. Its an intesting theory. One problem I can see with it is that the 'vacuum' itself assuming it is free of virtual particle/anti particle pairs would be quite unstable. see False Vacuum That and keeping a path open along the distance needed to accelerate to light speed would be a huge engineering effort. The idea has merit though, I will have a read and see if I can pull it apart anymore
  6. Thales


    Sarcasm online is quite difficult to detect sometimes, particularly seeing as I am oblvious to the conversation to which you refer....sorry for the mix up though, in retrospect it is obvious.
  7. Thales


    Methane is a class of moleclues known as Hydrocarbons. That does not add weight for/against life being there. Hydrocarbons are quite abundant in our solar system, because hydrogen and carbon were abundant in the accertion disk when it all began and hydrogen bonds quite readily with carbon. As for a diamond? No. That is carbon by itself not when it is bonded into a molecule. Given that hydrogen is so abundant on/in Jupiter one would say it is a reasonable assumption there wouldn't be enough 'free' carbon to form a solid core.
  8. Firstly the United Nations did not support a unilateral invasion of Iraq. Seondly have you heard of the expression 'walking a mile in another man's shoes'? If you had then you would realise that just because something hasn't happened nor will it nessercarily happen (obviously because if your born in the US your a saint who can do no wrong(not a slur against Americans, more the view that they are infallible)), it does not mean you cannot visualise what it may be like to be in somebody elses position. And what country could step in? None because bar the Chinese the American's are the ONLY superpower. Half the reason having this lunatic at the helm is so dangerous. Well there is a grosse generalisation. Do you know these fighter's personally? Do you understand why they hate America? Is it because they don't own a TV or because they heard Bush was a meanie? Was it because the thought bin-laden was the new in thing this summer? No. It was alot more likely that they or someone the are related to or close to has been killed by an American cluster bomb, or some depleted Uranium has left them and their family deformed and impotent. Sure these are extreme examples but I am trying to provide you with some insight as to the motivation behind the legitimate resistance movement in Iraq. I don't deny there aren't terrorists there, but from those who have been captured and the method of their attacks, your own precious government has acknowledge the majority of terrorist acts in Iraq are carried out by foriegn fighters. People who flock to Iraq because it is where the US is already on the back foot after their presents from the sky failed to win hearts and minds. He didn't say it was meaningless, he merely stated it didn't amount to slaughter. The Americans would have killed ten times as many people as they have lost, even more via indirect action/inaction. Is the life of an American soldier more important, more highly valued than that of an Iraqi? If your answer is yes then you are a racist, and if your answer is no, and you acknowledge that America invaded that country, then how can you justify your unfathomable support for Bush?
  9. Ideally the 'average' of any IQ test is 100. This should be age adjusted so it would be the same for old and young.
  10. A. Mr Bush. Iraq had little to do with Afghanistan' date=' at least from a t[i']error[/i]fying perspective. If an American goes overseas and conducts a terrorist operation should America as a whole be repremanded? This was the reasoning behind Moore's intial statement. Fahrenheit criticiezes the fact the special operations forces didn't enter the area where bin laden was suspected of hiding until two months after the start of official operations (the time when they acknowledge the slaughter from afar has begun)...more than plenty of time for him to escape, which is more than questionable seeing as he was the apparent objective. So the idiot is still Bush. You are my friend. Not everything is black and white. If your country was invaded by an oppressive power(the motivation behind the oppression may well be in your long term best interest, but even in this rose colored take on the whole situation, America is still the oppressive power) would you not take up arms? Saying that people have a right to fight for their land, a right to defend/avenge themselves against an aggressor is different from supporting terrorism. Much different. mmm...Bush?
  11. There is no absolute power in most western 'democratic' societies. A President or Prime-Minister needs the approval of the parliment before implementing new policies. These measures have been put in place in the vain attempt to curbe the whims of the world's leaders.
  12. I am aware you can't just 'go' in the garden. What I am talking about is treating the waste on site and irrigating the garden with it.
  13. Apparently Ian Thorpe was genetically bred to be more like a seal, true story
  14. Without time the oxidants can do no bombarding. Thats the whole point, time can be viewed as an abstraction, but it is no less an absraction as energy or matter. Can you consicely define mass or energy in such a way as to 'prove' its existance/non-existance. No. Thats its the same with time, its a fundamental property in the true sense of the word. It is a consequence of the universe we live in. For those of you who are deterministic it may have 'all been done before' but 'time' is the perspective through which we view it. For non-determinists, time provides a 'new' frame upon which new possiblities can 'actuate'.
  15. Have any of you read Greg Bear's: Eon. It has the idea of a mainframe that stores people consiousness after their bodies pass on. Would any of you change your view on immortailty if you were robbed of your body but got to your mind got to live in a pseudo-matrix?
  16. Down here in Australia we have an ongoing water shortage due to a prolonged drought. This got me to thinking about water usuage and ways to minimilise it. One of the large waste of water IMO is toilets. Plants love the stuff we don't want, is anyone here also of the opinion that utilising most of our waste as food for the garden would not only benefit the garden but work us slowly away from the centralised infrastructure that is holding us back. It would save water, electricity and most of all money. Sometimes we out do ourselves in overcomplicating things such as going to the toilet...
  17. You are very young KH, one thing you are yet to learn is no body likes a gloater. While none here doubts your potential, intellecutal arrogance quickly breeds ignorance. For some people ignorance is bliss, but it will be anything but that for those around you...
  18. You can't assign a single numerical value to somebodies intelligence. People are intelligent in different ways, is an artist or composer any stupider than a scientist? As much as I would like to think so the answer of course is, no. Trying to write a paper that tests the multitude of varying talents and scales them 'appropriately' is maybe not impossible but close enough to it. The true measure of somebodies intelligence can however usually be deduced by a much more primitve method...talking to them.
  19. IMO the forums provide a perfect outlet for any debate, formalising just discourages people from posting, and would be overwhelming for newbies. Also I fear having a 'who won?' poll might not be the best idea; What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right. Also people are more likely to argue with the winning team and thus there opinion may be distorted.
  20. Fear controls people. In the middle ages people were made to fear god via the church. In an ever increasingly materialistic society the govt. has assumed control and is relishing in the ease with which they can control the level of fear. I get scared sometimes too, when i think about how G. W. Bush can rule the richest nation in the world in such dangerous times. What scares me even more though is those who blindly support him. Those who don't see him for what he is, a dim-wit, an idiot and an out an out failure of a president. I understand the need to support the president in time's of war, those patriotic feeling rushing though the veins of its citerzens. But open your eyes, don't belive the lies and assess; what Mr Bushes motivation/inspiration is, and look starkly at his achievements, if you can see any overwhelmingly positive things that W. has achieved in his life please post them here. I said it before but I'll say it again, if it wasn't for the commercial media's lack of objectivity then an emotive film like Moore's wouldn't be needed. Have Moore critics watched any of his earlier work? He plays the role of a social conscience, with a tounge in cheek approach designed to entertain while informing. I think he does a good job and for those of you who wish to label him a liar, well there isn't too much point in trying to convince you otherwise but I will say this:> If you applied the same level of critical analysis to what you watch everyday, to what this president tells you, I'm sure you'll begin to see where Moore is coming from...
  21. Spot on matey. The ignorance of how much everything else is a distroted (by out an out anti-mooreists) in every image, you see on your precious tv, is astounding.
  22. Centrifugal, correct. Its because the bead wants to stay still and the wire is applying a force to the bead due to friction, it begins to slide because the friction coefficient isn't equal to one, if it is(=1)the bead is stuck and it moves in a circle with the wire.
  23. The outward acceleration force (sometimes reffered to as centripetal) is an illusion that comes about from newtons first law. (Ie an object would like to continue on a straight line unless a force acts upon it) In this case the tension in the string 'pulls' the bead off its preferred tangential motion resulting in a circular path. Try to remember acceleration is a vector quatity and thus, a constant speed that changes direction is the result of an acceleration. There is an abundance of forumlas for constant circular acceleration which will give you a numerical value for this force.
  24. EM doesn't age in the sense it can't lose energy other than through interaction with other matter. Thus we can see the background EM radiation left over from the big bang. As for suriving before the universe, and thus before OUR time, the answer is a resounding...I don't think so
  25. Thales


    Pi is simply a ratio of the diameter to the Circumfrence. No matter how big or small the circle is this ratio holds. Its a consequence of eulcidean geometry.
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