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Everything posted by max13
When in the midst of war, the shia shaffavids came on motorcycles and hovered in circles raising dust. Some even danced their war dance. Then in the sky there was thunder and lightening. And iranian angels were seen hovering above as if the sky was opened and the dancing shaffavids had connected to the above world. Like a drop of water which clings to the edge of the leaf, there were so many such drops pearls in the sky with electrical charges flowing. Inside there were many souls of shia shaffavid angels who were hibernating. Many came down to earth with heavenly wings!
And many of you seem never even been to primary education school!!! So all together say A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H..........
Your grandads spent hours farting in the jungles of africa writing about species who came sniffing. Your granies worked hours with soldering iron making electronic missiles! And you all are big bozo. If i were to admin this site, i would had personally deleted you!
- 3 replies
I have enlisted and wrote many topics on various science forums on the internet! I do read all the topics of the forums under various categories, and it seems to me that many of you are all just stupid science ruffians. Doesn't even know how to write physics vectors, neither biology nor chemistry topics are any sane! Its looks like you people come from scam science publications, your teachers were a big rut! No one can even give a reply to such weird rotten thoughts!
Lets say for instance that most of the olympic athletes more than 75% are of poverty countries who are allowed to participate and win in olympics without much competition! So are these olympics fake staged sports where many midgets from all over the world whites, blacks, chinese...africans run and perform like jogging with the least efforts and win prizes??? Like long jump its only 3 to 4 metres! High jump 5 feet!, 100m just 75metres! 100 m hurdles are placed very near to one another! Marathons like wimps delusional wonder! Only perhaps swimming and some other sports like javelin might be correct! While most of the olympic sports seem villagers delight! And the cameras used in the olympic coverage have a wider focal lens which presents the picture much bigger in terms of length and breadth. So the sports arena and the athletes look much bigger than normal! Otherwise the olympics would seem children kindergarten playing in a circus!
There is neither any reason for this war to occur nor any affective results! In my visions i had seen a ghostly white pale old man visiting iran refugees, bill clinton after the war!
I was watching an Olympic games documentary. In it there was highlights shown of 1988s seoul, south korea olympics of yester years! The venues where olympic games are held other than south korea it seemed to me in that documentary that the participants seemed rigid with racism performance! But the south korea olympics seemed so funny to me as it clearly seems the athletes other than 100m, 200m and hurdles were loose performing athletes with no competition, just playing for the spirit of the game! So in other olympic games are the athletes really powerful athletes or are just showy! Lets say seoul, south korea showcases unbiased state so are indian athletes boycotting olympics instead of performing if the conditions are so easy????
- 5 replies
Many people travel to distant locations on earth! Like say from india to london by airliner it takes about 6 to 8 hours!, then by legendary concorde airliner it takes about 3 hours, and by russian mig-25 it takes 1 hour!!! But it seems the loads of tourisms are travelling too quickly than by conventional means! For eg. the wwe superstars are seen at short time intervals at india, london and usa! They couldn't had possibly travelled by the fastest airliner! So it could be time travelling! Time traversing from location to location not only changes the time period but even does time phase change back and forth in past and future! Like as you were asking me about movement relative to one another! I sometimes myself experience short time travel, like moving across time zones might change the time you are moving into and when changing directions resets it. What if the earths' revolutions were to be somehow moved in the opposite directions with the other planets and stars relative to it being at the same phase! Would it alter the time travel backwards?
Lets say 50% of american population is white skinned excluding blacks. What if the remaining 50% US population has tanned arms and legs, but having extremely white looks as if there is a white layer of pigment skin covered on the face. So this foreigner race is infact similar skin like wheatish indians but with the layer white they seem like extremely white foreigners, feigned looks! Like say late michael jackson never ever went to plastic surgeon but just had that hocus pocus layer white and he became american white! Then iranians and some fair indians are much whiter than american fake whites! Then many tanned indians move to america by applying layer white and again return to india again becoming normal tanned!??? What if there is much corruption in US? Like many unregulated distribution of wealth and spending to unsorted people. Then blacks seeking white heritage big houses, posh cars! Vice-versa! What if there is still more than 50% american population living under poverty, the so called multi rich slumists! The camera lens too is of hocus pocus. Like withered heritage homes, old cars and dirty clothes through camera work gets enhanced to look brand new!
Have you seen the movie 'gandhi' ? It says about gaining independance of india from english rule. What i think is that m.k.gandhi was a gujarati who was not fighting for any peace and justice, but a riotist instigator. The movie infact is a portrayal of bringing out the animosity of riot in indians.
I had seen in my mind's visions that the iran nuclear reactor which was shown on tv some days back was run down and was then uninhabitated. The US had devastated many cities of iran with animosity and inhumane hatred behaviour. Such that many iranians were left to eating white bread crumbs siting on white concrete fallen structures and some with sunken healths! I had seen the iranian army marchpast, but i think it would take more than just morale to fight US army. The islamists, shafavids, bactrians, kazaks and some muslim jews! Only a superman who could fly in the sky then save iran cities from US missiles as per my visions the superhuman does exists somewhere! Iran world is like a translucent dream portal. Since the iran iraq war and gulf war there has been economic crisis. And in 2002 much portion of iran province under iraq has already been occupied by US army. Or is this christian vs islamic war?
In the movie classic 'schindlers' list' there is shown portrayal of nazi camps of jews! But in that movie there are no germans! Germans are white pink skin foreigner race people living only in germany. In the movie whereas the jews part is played by south africans and the german nazis part is played by american cast. The jews saga started when the czars took to crucifying them in death camps. This ideology was then adopted by later waring nations like german hitler in world wars. How ironically true!
The planet earth is differentiated through time zones GMT, so suppose if i travel from india to europe...when i reach i need to adjust my time. Or is it time travel when i traverse back and forth in time? Like in the movies 'around the world in 80 days' , 'back to the future' and 'time machine!' which time traversing is really a possibility not just adjusting time!
Have you seen the movie 'top gun', in it there is a incredible fighter aircraft F-14 tom cat. Its flight is like a boeing airbus thrust?