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  1. Hey everyone. I'm going to a Bible College right now, and we're taking a class called Science and the Bible. We're learning about evolution vs. creationism, and later on in the course, we have to write a report. Because we don't want to make things up and assume what people who believe in evolution think, we have to ask some questions. I will be handing in your answers completely unaltered. It would be awesome if you could answer them as best you could. Do you believe in God? If so, briefly explain your view. How do you think the universe began? How do you think life originated? Explain how you believe life forms evolved? How old do you think the earth is and why? Do you believe in life on other planets, aliens, and UFOs? Is evolution still happening, and if so, what do you think will be the end result? Do you believe in life after death? Explain. How do your beliefs in origins and evolution affect your sense of purpose for your own life? Any other comments. Thanks!!!!
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