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  1. awww i was really pleased with it I still think its a good idea as to what the universe is!
  2. am not good with physics so please dont laugh when i say stupid things but, couldnt the density of the universe be changing, the more we stretch out from the point of origin then surely the density is decreasing causing less restriction for waves to move and therefore speed up?
  3. Couldnt dark energy simply be the ripples created by the big bang in which we are kind of "surfing" on?
  4. Hello all, I am new to this forum and i know little about physics and the universe. However, i do have a keen passion for understanding how the universe became to be and whats actually out there (dark matter and such). Anyway after taking into consideration all the different theories (brane worlds, big bang etc) about what the universe is and how it came into existence i formulated my own theory, based on size and perception. 1metre to humans could be a millimetre to something much larger and the larger you go the smaller the metre becomes until eventually the 1 metre cannot be measured because it has become so minute and you have become so large in proportion to it. We say the universe is huge because of our human perception, its a way to define and scale things accordingly, however what if our universe is infinitely small to a much larger being. Lets look at us humans and our size, if i look down a microscope at a cell i can see the cell membrane and nucleus, but thats not all that exists....so i magnify and see all the organelles. If i could magnify down to the atomic level i'd see an atom .... if i could go further i'd see protons and neutrons with alot of "space" or "matrix" between the gaps. If i could magnify even further to that gap or space/matrix what would be there? another universe with inhabbitants looking out to the stars wondering whats out there? I dont know if i'm getting this across clearly so stick with me. If you stood on a work bench in a lab and could shrink yourself to say even smaller than an electron, then when you look up you wouldnt see the once familiar surroundings of equipment and such, but you would see space and blackness and the once dense/solid bench you could not pass through would become invisible and traversable, i.e you'd be so small you would be able to travel in the gaps and space between dense atoms. Now these gaps when you was a normal size human where infintely small but now your shrunk these gaps would be light years apart. Likewise if you enlarged yourself to say 10x the size of our universe, then our solar system and earth would become so small like on the atomic level in comparison to you. you wouldnt be able to touch and destroy anything because the solar systems and planets would be so small they would be able to pass right through your gaps/space that are present at the atomic level of your composition. So I believe that our universe is a universe within a much larger universe which is in a much larger universe which is also in a much larger universe and so on. I reckon that the big bang was a large star (the size of our universe) in the larger universe above us (well its not above us as in direction as it surrounds us completely but above us as in size). The size of this star in perception to the inhabbitants of that universe would be the same size as a star in our system. Therefore when a star goes white dwarf in our system and implodes it gives birth to a new universe comprised of the matter from that star but is infintely smaller than our universe. Life could exists in this new universe but right down smaller than "our perception" of the atomic level. So our universe is a universe within an infinite number of universes and there are also an infinite number of universes within our universe and everytime a star explodes...a new universe is created from its composition. There could be intelligent life on a planet right in front of your eyes right now floating past but are infintely small like a millienth of an electron small.
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