I'm having a hard time really visualizing this problem. From what I understand, the pool's area itself is 2500. Along with the area of the pool, there are decks that wrap around the perimeter of the pool. At least I believe it wraps around the entire way around.
So if the pool area itself is 2500, and I want to find the dimensions of the smallest amount of area that both the pool and the deck occupies. if x is the width and y is the length of the pool and xy= 2500, then A=2500.
The real problem that I'm having is the fact that the pool deck's width's are given but not the lengths. I'd assume the length's would also be the length and width of the pool.
2500 + width of one rectangle*lengthofpool + width of other rectangle*width_of_pool = total area of both the pool and the decking?
The book asks to solve by graphing. So I'd assume i would need a parabola