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  • Quark

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Quark (2/13)



  1. Is superfluid a kind of macroscopic quantum phenomenum ? there are many pictures of superfluids climbing up the surface of a bottle...
  2. I have a question here... if Cu wants to have a full shell why can it sometimes form Cu2+ when Cu+ is much more stable? thanks
  3. I've got some questions on neutrinos I've read that neutrinos are always left handed (or right handed forgot...) and the explanation is that neutrinos always travel in light speed so nothing can pass it and see it right handed sorry if my statement is confusing but have anyone read about it? thanks
  4. talking about the neutron star... I heard that the electrons are actually squeezed out by the gravitational force and leaving the nucleus behind so it's something like neucleon star... dunno if it's true or not...
  5. thanks... I understand a little bit now... does it mean that k varies with the number of atoms in the lattice? and is the probability of finding an electron near an atom is greater than that of between the atoms? If so, is it because the atoms (or should I say the positive ions) attract the electrons so it changed the wave function of it?
  6. hello, I would like to know briefly how the Bloch wave is simliar to a wave function of an electron and what's the difference between them also how did the Bloch wave affect the energy of the electronic band I hope you can understand what I ask as I was just reading some elementary books about it thanks
  7. I've experienced it before... our chem department head always like to put questions that we're not supposed to know in the exam... and he ended up getting the answers wrong also...
  8. I would like to ask about the difference between water vapour and steam.... is water vapour what steam has condensed? and can we see steam if it is a gas?
  9. thanks a lot now I understand...
  10. so under normal pressure steam is always 100 degrees right? so like steam above water surface it's always 100C as it's an open system am I correct?
  11. If we boil a beaker of water, then we put a thermometer above the surface... that is, we are checking the temperature of steam and we always get 100 degrees Celsius under normal pressure right? so is it possible to have steam over 100 degrees? how about we collect the steam and then heat it up is it still 100 degrees? thanks
  12. I see... maybe it's so called out of syllabus at my level (even the public exam states the answer as cannot be decomposed) maybe I'll learn it at A level Even the Haber process and Le Chaterlier's Principle are not required in my exams, I bet I'll learn more at A level thanks anyway
  13. my teacher used to tell me sodium carbonate doesn't decompose on heat.... can the decomposition be achieved by a Bunsen flame? (if not I think that's why the teacher doesn't tell me the truth) thanks
  14. I think that some carbonates don't decompose on heat e.g. sodium carbonate
  15. theoratically I think it's 1:1 but at the same time insolubel CaSO4 will be formed that may left some Ca(OH)2 unreacted...
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