"What WOULD help, IMO, is to better educate the public on critical thinking, and to try to move away from this distrust of science and intellectualism we're seeing propagated so broadly lately. Too many people think that their uninformed opinion is equivalent to a conclusion drawn from evidence, and that's just ludicrous and really not good for us as a society. "
i used to think that way as well, but i believe now that some people are just reluctant to learning, and even with all the evidence in the world they prefer to believe in their fantasies.
"In my opinion, it's not how bright the politicians are, it's how corrupt the system lets them be. The government is a tool, and it needs to be shaped properly so it does its job well no matter who wields it."
but then you can argue that a gun is a tool as well but the person that is wielding it is responsible for using it well, therefore a tool that is given to a human to handle is always subject to error, and the accuracy of this tool can be increased by the person wielding it.