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Everything posted by DreamLord

  1. I've never heard the pigeon thing. I have heard that if we look at a planet light years away, we will actually be seeing that planet millions of years in the past. And the other way round. If time didn't exist, would we be seeing these planets' past?
  2. There are also some theories that say black holes are actually worm holes that lead to another universe where there are "white holes". But try to find someone who would be willing to test out that theory...
  3. I don't know about that. Some parts of quantum sciences aren't exactly logical, depending on how you look at them. If scientists relied on pure logic all the time, they may not get very far. Sometimes discovery means pushing your mind beyond "logic".
  4. Try this article: http://www.calphysics.org/haisch/science.html I think part of it may be what you are talking about. It has a bit on manipulating the quantam vacuum and controling inertia. Is that what you were talking about?
  5. Please do not generalise all our soldiers and place them in the same category of Bush. Both American and Iraqi lives are being lost over there. Lives that should not have been lost in this pointless war. The soldiers are there because they have to be, and there are more being killed over there each day. I support the soldiers, just not their reason for being there. I admit, there are some that have done stupid things over there, but there are many other soldiers there simply trying to keep the peace because they have to do their jobs.
  6. This should be true. But, actually there are parts of Bush's Patriot Act that say otherwise. Down with the Patriot Act! I really hate some of the laws that thing brings up... For instance, Congress gave Bush full power to declare wars in certain situations without approval. Or at least come pretty dang close to war...
  7. Yes, it could all be only coincedince. Or maybe the more intelligent people just tend not to do stupid things as much. You know, things that'd earn them a Darwin award. But then, intelligence is no measure of common sense...
  8. There are so many good jokes on this thread Um... has anyone heard this one? A priest and a golfer decide to golfing together one day. The golfer starts. He swings and misses the ball. He says: "Damn, I missed." The priest tells the man not to swear, because God is watching, and doesn't like it when people swear. The golfer misses the ball again. And as before he says: "Damn, I missed." The priest, once again tells the man not to swear, because God is watching. At this point the sky begins darkening and suddenly a great lightning bolt comes down and strikes the priest. And God says: "Damn, I missed."
  9. I believe average IQ for adults is between 85 and 115, or something like that. I don't know if it's different for different age groups though. I think to qualify for MENSA you need a 120, so maybe the average was 85 to 120... I dunno. I also recently came across this article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/1263510.stm It seems people with higher IQs live longer on average. Interesting.
  10. You may be right. I guess it depends how they were created. if these scientists in the future are creating babies, then I think it would still be the athletes. But if they are creating older humans, then I think the scientists would get more credit.
  11. Ew, the thought of that fish creeps me out. Erm, are vampire bats and finches considered parasites? If so I'd have to go with them. If not I'll say... ticks.
  12. I think I probably would take the chance to live forever. Of course, not the way Thales put it. That wouldn't be much of a life at all. I'd want to have my body (in good and healthy condition) forever if I were to live forever. And I mean my original body at that. Otherwise, I'll just let life take its course.
  13. Hm, I doubt it would get to that point (but that is just me). Though I can picture a Gattaca-like scenario in which an athlete is "born" (created?) for a certain sport. I believe the character was a swimmer in that... I could see that in the near future really... Genetically engineering a child so they are very well suited to a particular sport.
  14. We will continue to improve, but to a point. Once a certain point is reach there would be no way to beat the record. Though I doubt that point would be reached anytime within my lifetime. Genetically engineered designer children... Scary thought. The word "Gattaca" keeps running through my mind.
  15. Well, eventaully we would have to reach a point where the records become unbreakable. Though, when that will happen, I have no idea.
  16. DreamLord


    Sorry for the confusion. Guess I need to word things better...
  17. DreamLord


    I've noticed a mix. I use the non-American version of English myself.
  18. That's kind of what I was thinking. A lot of these really good athletes in the olympics also had parents who were olympians. So it seems that the children had inherited the athletic traits of their parents. There are even a few who had both grandparents and parents in the olympics. So it would seem that some of these families could keep continuing to have generation after generation of athletes.
  19. Good point. Maybe just have a sci-fi/fantasy website with a section for books.
  20. Yes, it could be both. I think it is probably a bit of a both myself.
  21. I was watching the Olympics and started thinking about that. It seems every time the Olympics roll around someone sets a record. There have been a few swimming records this year. So I began thinking: why? Is it because humans are evolving and actually becoming faster/stronger, whatever. Or is it because our knowledge of science has increased and we are able to train the athletes better, get more aerodynamic suits for the athletes, etc?
  22. OK, that's cool. And maybe we could do both. But, I too would have to say if we just choose one, we should go with books.
  23. As I said Sci-fi and fantasy are cool with me. As to the books/ games and what not, I think they're both good ideas.
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