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Everything posted by DreamLord

  1. I'm still in high school. Just two more years to go. You're right about that. There is no such thing as an undergraduate masters degree over here. You have to be a graduate to get one of those...
  2. Yeah, I agree with drz. There was deffinitaly something very wrong with the 2000 elections. Especially in Florida (Jeb country). Where suddenly right before the elections many people (mainly black) were suddenly found to be convicted of felonies (something like that, I'm not really sure of the exact phrasing) and were unable to vote. And then there was the whole "miscount" thing down there.
  3. Farscape!!!! But, Lexx and B5 were close behind. I love those shows too.
  4. That test seemed a lot like the one on tickle.com, only more questions I think, and a few were a bit more difficult. I got 132 I think that's about what I got on the tickle.com test, so that must be sort of an outline for official IQ tests or something.
  5. I have heard of something like this. There's something about pi to. Like when you go through you can find a bunch of years where important things happened. I know the first one is 1492. Hm... 3.141592.... I guess it's take two numbers, skip two and then use the next two. I think the 15 starts a date two, don't remember the next two numbers of pi though...
  6. I don't believe sex is the basis of marriage, but love is. So why would two heterosexuals of the same sex want to be married. They wouldn't be in love or anything if they were both heterosexual.
  7. DreamLord


    Oh, OK. But if the circumference only apears to be effected I don't see what the problem is. Then the circumference divided by the radius would still equal pi.
  8. DreamLord


    Yeah, I really don't see how reletivity could only effect the circumference, and not the rest of the circle.
  9. I think that time exists in a sense. We use it to measure, and we set our lives by it. The thing is that time is relative. There may be a place where a year of our time may only seem like seconds there. But even though it is relative and may be different in some places, I do believe that time exists.
  10. Fellowes, that's right, I believe we were going to continue our discussion on the newbie thread. Um... what were we talking about? Archery and hockey was it?
  11. You say "chosen" a different lifestyle. Homosexual people do not choose to be the way they are any more than heterosexuals do. It is simply biological. They cannot change the way they. This would be like saying you "choose" to be male or female at birth. It is not something that you simply "choose".
  12. Um... Isn't love the reason for most people wanting to get married? If two people love eachother and they want to get married, shouldn't that be justification enough? What is marriage for if not to be with the one you love for the rest of your life. It's not just about having babies and getting a few benefits from the government (anyone who thinks that way should really rethink marriage or plans for marriage).
  13. I will admit, Sixth Day wasn't the best film. But it wasn't awful either. I've seen lots of films that were way worse. Yes, Blade Runner's better... Sooo cool. I won't even start talking about, cause I probably won't stop for a while. That's my favourite movie.
  14. Mac iBook G4 with OSX 800 MHz 256 MB
  15. B) I doubt that earth is the only life-bearing planet, but from what we have seen of our solar system and others, most planets do not seem to have life.
  16. I thought the outer orbital was always trying to reach 8 electrons? Eh, I'm not the best at chemistry though, so don't take my word on that. That's what I remember from class though.
  17. I think the Sixth Day was OK. The ending was so peachy keen I felt like puking though. Though it can't hold a candle to what the Matrix turned into. It started as a cool movie. Then in the 2nd, Neo turned into something like Superman, and the directors seemed to be like: "Who the hell needs a plot? We've got special effects!"
  18. I'll admit, the wording makes it sound a little more... unbelievable than it really is.
  19. Agreed! Halo rocks! Go Halo2!!
  20. Ooh, Halo rocks!!
  21. Yes used to have three. Three have died, one very recently. So, all in all I've owned six dogs. Two were very old and had cancer really bad and had to be put down. And one died when he was a year old of hemorhages caused by his apperent 16 ulcers in his intestines that we were unaware of. That explain it?
  22. Hm, I should've seen that one coming I suppose. But there have been scientific studies that have induced out of body experiences. It probably was just a dream that was particularly vivid for whatever reason.
  23. I'd just like to know if you're aware that many of the people trying to ban gay marriages in congress have been divorced and/or married multiple times. How does that make you feel about 'what marriage means'?
  24. Yes, I agree with drz on this issue. Why should anyone deny them their rights just because they are different. Everyone has the right to be happy. The US constitution was made to help people be free, so we should not be changing it to oppress people. I do not get the problem with gay marriage. It's not like they are hurting anyone. And many say that it is wrong because those couples "cannot produce children" and therefore, must be wrong. What about all the heterosexaul couples that do not want children though, are they wrong also according to the people who believe that way?
  25. Haha. I'm not 'taking' anything . Maybe their just really vivid dreams I dunno.
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